A Quaker had this sign put up on a vacant piece of land next to his home: THIS LAND WILL BE GIVEN TO ANYONE WHO IS TRULY SATISFIED.

A wealthy farmer who was riding by stopped to read the sign and said to himself, “Since our friend the Quaker is so ready to part with this plot, I might as well claim it before someone else does. I am a rich man and have all I need, so I certainly qualify.”

With that he went up to the door and explained what he was there for. “And are you truly satisfied?” the Quaker asked.

“I am indeed, for I have everything I need.”

“Friend,” said the Quaker, “if you are satisfied, what do you want the land for?”


After reading the story who felt for a second that when we are saying anything to others it is different from what it is for us?

If you can answer this small question to yourself your inner door will open. Most of us have some point of the time felt that we can say anything to others. But to us we can communicate only through the language of silence.

Now you know why silence has so much of importance. Because you can connect yourself only through language of silence.

Quaker is a person who lives through his inner light. Farmer is a person who lives in an objective world. Farmer thinks that I have everything and for me to buy this land is out of satisfaction. But it is not true. Person who wants to acquire more than his requirements is living unsatisfied life. He is living in greed. In other words, first of all the farmer didn’t have any plans how he will utilize this land and universe is flow. Universe  wants us have as much as we can circulate. Universe is another name of abundance. It doesn’t have anything in scarcity. Only thing he will give only to those who can circulate and allow to grow out of that. It may be family, society, city, nation, world or existence.

Universe will give only to those who are capable of growing. So whenever you want to anything ask first to yourself what is agenda, how I will utilize and most important whether what I will be able to share from this. This question will become your inner guide and your focus will shift from greed and scarcity to abundance consciousness.

Look back in your life whenever your intention was to take any responsibility to grow out of that not only you but many people around you, you have got every support for your goal. You got all your requirements to take your work forward. It doesn’t mean that you didn’t have any obstacles but you have alertness to pass through that obstacles and take your work to the next step.

But we were unconscious about it. So we only in certain situation only act like that. Become alert and change your focus from wanting to responsibility and growth.

Learning from the story Be Honest With Self: Sharing

Experience Learning

Why sharing is important?

Sharing is a vital life skill. It’s something toddlers and children need to learn so they can make and keep friends, and play cooperatively.

Once your child starts having playdates and going to child care, preschool or kindergarten, he’ll need to be able to share with others.

Helping your child learn about sharing

Children learn a lot from just watching what their parents do. When you model good sharing and turn-taking in your family, it gives your children a great example to follow.

Children also need opportunities to learn about and practise sharing. Here are some ways to encourage sharing in everyday life:

Point out good sharing in others. You can say things like, ‘Your friend was sharing her toys really well. That was very kind of her’.

When you see your child trying to share or take turns, make sure you give lots of praise and attention. For example, ‘I liked the way you let Aziz play with your train. Great sharing!’

Play games with your child that involve sharing and turn-taking. Talk your child through the steps, saying things like, ‘Now it’s my turn to build the tower, then it’s your turn. You share the red blocks with me, and I’ll share the green blocks with you’.

Talk to your child about sharing before she has playdates with other children. For example, you could say, ‘When Georgia comes over, you’ll need to share some of your toys. Why don’t we ask her what she wants to play with?’ You can also talk to your child about sharing before she starts child care or preschool.

Although it’s important to share, it’s OK for children to have some toys that they keep just for themselves. It’s a good idea to put away these special toys when other children come to play at your house. This can help you avoid problems with sharing.

When your child won’t share.

Sharing can be a challenge, especially at first. Most children need practice and support to develop this skill.

If your child doesn’t share well, you can try practising together at home and talking about what you’re doing. For example, ‘Let’s share this banana. You can have some, and I can have some’.

There’s no reason to avoid playdates if your child has trouble sharing. Instead, use them as a chance to help your child practise. You could stay nearby and encourage him so he doesn’t forget to share. When he does try to share, you can say exactly what he did well and how proud you are.

Consequences for not sharing

For children over three years, it can help to create consequences for not sharing.

When you use consequences for not sharing, it’s important that the consequences relate to the thing that’s being shared – or not shared! For example, if children aren’t sharing a toy train, you might take the train away from both of them for a short period of time. Neither child can play with the train, so the consequence feels the same for both of them. This can also get children thinking about what they need to do if they want to play with the toy together.

When you think they’re ready, you can give the toy back so children get another chance to show they can share.


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