Biology Be Satisfied

Let your biology be satisfied to its fullest.

Just try to see the point: if your biology is completely satisfied, there is no fight between the conscious and the unconscious.

You become one whole, as far as your mind is concerned; your mind is one whole.

It will release tremendous intelligence in you because most of your intelligence is involved in repressing. You are sitting on a volcano trying to keep the volcano from exploding. The volcano is going to explode. Your power is so small it cannot hold it forever; on the contrary, when it explodes you will be thrown into such small pieces that to put you together again will be impossible.

The many mad people around the world, in your mad asylums, hospitals – what are they? Who are they? What has gone wrong with them? They have fallen in pieces and you can’t put them together. There is no possibility of putting them together unless you arrange that all their repressed instincts are fulfilled. But who is there to even say this?

Repress anything and it becomes valuable.

Repress more, and it becomes more valuable.

Don’t repress and it loses all value.

Express it, it evaporates.

When your unconscious and conscious meet because there is nothing repressed in the unconscious – and that is the moment of their meeting and their merger. At that very moment another great opportunity opens up for you because you are no longer involved with the lower; your whole energy is available for the higher. You are in the middle, the conscious mind.

But because the unconscious is there, you remain involved in repressing it, you go on repressing it. It is not a question that once you have repressed it you are finished with it; you have to repress it constantly, because it is coming up again and again. It is just like bouncing a ball; you hit it and it comes back to you. The greater force you put into hitting it, the greater is the force with which it comes towards you.

The same is the situation with instincts; you repress them, and the more energy you put in repressing, the more energy they will have coming back to you. From where can they get energy? It is your energy. But when you are completely free from the unconscious and its involvements, it is clean and silent; then your whole energy is available.

Energy has a fundamental principle about it: it cannot remain static, it has to move.

Movement is its nature. It is not a thing that you put somewhere and it remains there. No, it has to move – it is life. So when there is no reason to move downwards, it has only one way to move – upwards. There is nowhere else to go. It starts hitting your superconscious, and just its hit to the superconscious is so pleasant and such a joy that all your sexual orgasms simply pale. You cannot imagine it because it is not a quantitative difference such that I can tell you that it is ten thousand times greater in quantity. The difference is of quality.


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