Simply Happens

The functioning of intellect and intelligence is totally different.

Intellect functions through steps, step by step. It has a procedure, a methodology. If you are doing a question in mathematics then there are steps to be followed.

In India there is a woman, Shakuntala and who has been around the world, in almost all the universities, exhibiting her intuition. She is not a mathematician, she is not even much educated – just a matriculate. Even when Albert Einstein was alive she was giving her demonstration in front of him. And her demonstration was strange. She would sit with a chalk in her hand before the board: you would ask any kind of question about mathematics or arithmetic, and you would not have even finished the question and she would have started writing the answer.

Albert Einstein gave her a certificate. Albert Einstein asked her: “I take three hours to solve because I have to follow a whole method; I cannot just jump from the question to the answer. I know that nobody can do it in less time than I can, and that is three hours. Others may take even six hours or more, but I can do it in three hours because I have done it before. But the whole procedure has to be followed. If you miss even a single step….” The figures were so big that it took the whole board for her to write the answer. And before he had even finished the question, she started writing the answer.

He was puzzled, absolutely puzzled because it was impossible. He asked: “How do you do it?”

She said: “I don’t know how I do it – it simply happens. You ask me and figures start appearing before my eyes, somewhere inside. I can see 1, 2, 3, and I just go on writing.”

That woman was born with her intuition functioning, but she became just an exhibition. Nobody cared that a woman who is born with intuition functioning can become enlightened very easily. She is just standing on the border; one step and she becomes the ultimate in consciousness. But she is not aware because this is just some freak of nature.

There was another boy, Shankaran, who used to pull a rickshaw in the city. There was a professor of mathematics, an Englishman, who used to go in his rickshaw to the university. Once or twice it happened that he was thinking about some problem, and the boy simply looked at him and said: “This is the answer.” The professor had not spoken – he was simply thinking – and the boy was pulling the rickshaw, but he said: “This is the answer.”

The professor went to the university, worked out the whole process and was surprised that that was the answer. When it happened two or three times, he asked the boy: “How do you do it?”

He said: “I don’t do anything. I just feel you behind me, worried, and some figures start appearing. I am not much educated but figures I can understand. And I see so many figures in your mind, just behind me – a line, a queue – and then suddenly a few figures appear in my mind, so I tell you that this is the answer. I don’t know how it happens.”

Shankaran was sent by the professor to Oxford, because he was even more advanced than this woman, Shakuntala. You have to ask her the question, then she can write; with Shankaran you just had to visualize the question in your mind and he would write the answer. His intuition was functioning more fully, he was seeing both the answer and he was seeing the question – he could read your mind. And he was even more illiterate, so poor a man that he was pulling a rickshaw.

He became a phenomenon in himself in the history of mathematics because many questions which had remained unsolved for centuries, he solved – although he could not say how. He gave the answer, but how to judge whether the answer was right or wrong? It took many years. When a higher mathematics was developed, then they could work it out. Shankaran was dead but his answers were right.

Intuition functions in a quantum leap.


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