Full Awareness

If every male who wants children should donate his sperms to a hospital and the medical science board should work out for those sperms what the possibilities are.

In those one million sperms there may be Albert Einsteins, Bertrand Russells, Martin Heideggers, great musicians like Yehudi Menuhin, great dancers like Nijinsky, great philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche, great novelists like Fyodor Dostoevsky. They can be picked out and the father and mother can choose what they want. When you can choose the great diamonds, why go for the colored stones? And when you can be the chooser, why be accidental?

They can choose, if they want, a Henry Ford, who will make great riches possible. Money is an art, just as anything else; it has its own geniuses. Everybody cannot be a Henry Ford!

If you want your child to be a Gautam Buddha, then you have to see, according to the genetic analysis, which sperm has the potentiality of being a mystic. The sperm has to be injected, so he need not be in competition with all kinds of fellows in a crowd. From that choice starts your education.

This is only the beginning of genetic engineering. Finally it is going to happen, the work is growing every day…the chosen sperm has a program, but the program can be changed a little bit. It may be possible that he has the mind of an Albert Einstein, but not the body, not the health – that can be added, the program can be changed a little bit. He may have just a life of fifty years, but that program can be changed. He can be given as long a life as you want – the maximum lifespan can be almost three hundred years – and as much health and as much resistance against disease. All these things can be added to the program.

The child now starts the journey with the parents’ full awareness of what he is going to become, to what school he should be sent, and what kind of education he should be given according to the genetic code. Then the world will be full of geniuses, talented people, healthy people. It is possible to avoid old age completely…a man can go on living youthfully up to the point of death.

Now these are not fictions, these have become scientific facts. But religions are even preventing these scientific facts from being known to the public, to the people. They are afraid of strange things.

Their fear is that morality will be disturbed. So let it be disturbed…! Anyway, what kind of morality exists in the world? Except hypocrisy, there exists no morality.

Genetic engineering can decide even the character, the morality, the discipline of the individual who is going to be born. From there many things become possible. For the child, a clear-cut, non-accidental career.

And for the parents – because the child is not be given birth through sex – sex becomes pure fun.

It does not carry any responsibility, any danger.


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