Martial Art

  1. Fluidity And Vulnerability: It is better not to label life, it is better not to give it a structure, it is better to leave it open-ended, it is better not to categorise it, not to label it. Life is not a philosophy; it is not a problem; it is a mystery.
    • If you are vulnerable, it means you are ready to live in insecurity.
    • Life is multi-dimensional. You have to be more liquid, more fluid, more melting and merging; you are not to be an observer.
    • Vulnerability is the ability to exist through an intelligence that also comes from our wounds, and this intelligence, paradoxically, makes it possible for us to become stronger, the more vulnerable we are.
  2. Vitarka, Vichar, Ananda: A man of positive reasoning will discard all thoughts that are not his own. They are not authentic; he has not found them through his own experience.
    • Vitarka – Right Reasoning; The real reason arises only when you are Intelligent.
    • Vichar – Reflection; Reflection On The Transience Of All Things
    • Ananda – Sense Of Pure Being; Desire without any object, desire without being goal-oriented, unmotivated desire, pure desire, is existence. The energy called desire is the same energy as Existence, Ananda.
  3. Martial Art: MA is mainly taught for self discipline.
    • Warriors Without Weapons: Krishna Is Warrior Without Weapon.
    • World Within: In the inner world, let-go is the way to be victorious; surrender is the way to be victorious; allowing the inner nature to flow, not fighting, is the way to be victorious.
    • Learn, Unlearn it, Forget it, Drop it: Fight, struggle, aggressiveness are hindrances. Don’t carry them. When you move inwards, leave them at the door. If you carry them, you will miss the inner temple; you will never reach it. With those things you cannot move inwards.

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