Being Aware

  1. Be Watcher: Begin by observing the dance of creation around you – the ebb and flow of your thoughts, rise and fall of your breath; simply watch without judgement or engagement.
    • Through the act of watching, you become an observer of life’s theatre, disengaged from the roles your mind plays, and the scripts it follows.
    • Being a watcher is to sit by the river of consciousness, witnessing its currents without the impulse to alter its course.
    • Watching reveals your transcendence beyond body and mind.
  2. Witnessing: Witnessing is the deepening of watching; it is when the act of observation becomes imbued with the presence of consciousness.
    • In this space, you are not just aware of the mind’s fluctuations; you recognize them as separate from the silent watcher that is your essence.
    • Witnessing is an illuminated state, where thoughts and feelings are seen as they are – the play of Prakriti, nature’s dance, separate from the eternal Purusha, the soul.
    • Witnessing reveals the soul’s eternal constancy beyond the mortal body.
  3. Being Aware: Being aware is the pinnacle of the spiritual journey, the state of Satchitananda – existence, consciousness, bliss – as revealed in the ancient scriptures.
    • In this awareness, there is no longer an observer or the observed; there is only beingness, an immersion in the boundless existence that you are.
    • Here, you fully embody the teaching of the Gita: that the soul, your true self, is beyond the visible realm of change, an indwelling presence that is eternal.

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