Kriya Yoga
- Tapas (Austerity): Tapas is the fire of discipline that purifies the body and mind, instilling a profound strength and resilience within seekers of truth.
- It is the conscious acceptance of the pain of self-discipline as a means of burning away impurities and awakening the inner spirit.
- Through the practice of Tapas, one cultivates an unwavering commitment to personal growth, embracing the discomfort that comes with transformation.
- The austerity of Tapas is not self-punishment, but self-evolution, a dedication to the higher aspects of one’s nature.
- Svadhyaya (Self-study or Self-identity): Svadhyaya is the illuminating mirror held up to the self, reflecting both our limitations and our boundless potential.
- It invites us to dive deep into the layers of our being, to study our thoughts, words, and deeds with the keen eye of a scholar.
- This self-study leads to self-knowledge, revealing the narratives we weave and the truths that lay buried beneath them.
- This practice nurtures an intimate understanding of our place in the tapestry of existence.
- Ishvara Pranidhana (Devotion): Ishvara Pranidhana is the sweet surrender to the divine, an offering of one’s life and actions to a purpose greater than oneself.
- It is an acknowledgment of a higher power that orchestrates the dance of creation, a force of love and wisdom that guides the cosmos.
- In Ishvara Pranidhana, there is a deep trust that the path we walk is the right one, that each step forward is a step towards enlightenment.
- Ishvara Pranidhana is the art of divine surrender, where the ego bows to universal will.