No Choice
- Karma (Action): Life, as the Bhagavad Gita suggests, unfolds through the relentless flow of Karma, the principle that propels us to engage in action.
- Action is the vehicle through which we express our innate nature, fulfilling life’s demands in alignment with our unique purpose.
- Our daily tasks, whether simple or complex, are manifestations of this sacred duty, requiring our full participation and dedication.
- Act with purpose; your deeds shape your destiny.
- Eligible (Readiness): Eligibility is the conscious preparation we undertake to ready ourselves for life’s challenges and opportunities.
- It demands an introspection to gauge our capabilities against the backdrop of our responsibilities.
- Continual growth and learning are the cornerstones of readiness, ensuring we are equipped to meet the trials laid before us.
- This preparedness is an open invitation to wisdom, welcoming life’s teachings with an open heart and mind.
- Prepare diligently, for readiness calls forth opportunity.
- No Choice (Surrender to Dharma): The realisation of ‘No Choice’ is a profound acceptance of our life’s trajectory as dictated by Dharma, the inherent law of our being.
- Surrendering to this path does not negate freewill but rather channels it within the boundaries of our highest good.
- This concept teaches us to move with intentional grace, understanding that our true path unfolds through a mosaic of predestined and spontaneous actions.
- Each step taken with this surrender in mind becomes an echo of the universe’s intent, resonating pure and clear.