1. Adhikratvam simply says that one becomes established in the Self, self-realisation. It is possible to be established in the Self unless one is actually endowed with these fourfold qualifications.
  2. Focussing directly on the contents of the mind is no easy matter, and the seeker, say the wise, should possess four qualities: Discrimination, Non-attachment, Six virtues and Longing.
  3. Discrimination comes out of your consciousness, not out of knowledge. But it comes out of your present, responding, alertness. Discrimination means the ability to see beyond the obvious, the body as obvious and the soul as a life within the body is beyond the obvious. With that understanding arises that temporary cannot give you happiness. Happiness has nothing to do with ambition, money, power, and prestige. It is a totally different dimension. Only someone who has fallen permanently into the company of the divine knows eternal happiness.
  4. Non-attachment is realisation of psychologically one is dependent on others for security, peace and happiness is passion. Realisation of passion one is neither attached to something nor averse to it and transcendence of both attachment and aversion is non-attachment.
  5. Six Virtues: They are tranquillity, training of the senses, withdrawal, forbearance, faith and focus. Virtue is virtue only when it is spontaneous; virtue is virtue only when it is natural, unpracticed – when it comes out of your vision, out of your awareness, out of your understanding.
    • Tranquillity: Whenever you are herenow, suddenly you will find tremendous grace, harmony, equilibrium, a melody in your being, a tranquillity; this tranquillity is out of consciousness and focused mind.
    • Training of the senses: The whole existence is coming to meet you from everywhere, from all your senses it is entering you, be master of your senses by bringing alertness in all the senses. Once you have mastered your senses it will reflect in your five senses and behaviour.
    • Withdrawal: Live in the world, but not through the mind. Withdraw from the past or future that stand between you and reality. And if you can manage even for a few moments the state of no-mind – you will be surprised: suddenly you are in rhythm with existence.
    • Forbearance: Forgiveness simply means you accept the person as he is, you still love him the way he is. Krishna explains enough is enough, because you have not only to take care of your forbearance, you have also to see that unrighteousness does not go berserk.
    • Faith: Faith is a mystery – that is the first thing to be understood about faith. Hence it cannot be explained. It is the highest form of love, it is the essential core of love. Love itself is a mystery and indefinable, but love is like a circumference and faith is its very centre, its soul.
    • Focus: Change Your Focus to the Gaps – Buddha says, “Note down whatsoever happens. Just go on noting, and when it disappears, again note that now that desire has disappeared, and you will feel a distance from the desire, from the thought.” Fall in the gap and be the gap. It is the deepest experience of beauty. And not only of beauty, but of good and of truth also. In the gap you are.
  6. When Seeker suffocates with a temporary start Longing, Mumukshutva, for enlightenment and liberation. It happens when all longings cease, even those for liberation. Then that which is, is called liberation. So liberation is not to be attained. The cessation of desires is emancipation… When there is no desire you are liberated. And one can be liberated while living, there is no need to be liberated after dying.

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