1. An individual is called a “Jiva” in Vedanta. According to Vedanta a Jiva is composed of 3 bodies. Human beings are born for the purpose and purpose is to self-realisation. Seeker achieves his goal by action through three bodies called the physical, subtle, and causal body. Each body uses different means to act and achieve its goal of self-realisation: the gross object to physical, mind to subtle and prana to the causal.
  2. You live in the outward world with your gross body; you live in a mind with your subtle body. And you move from one body to another, from one birth to another, from one life to another through your causal body – the third body. The causal body means the basic body. And beyond the causal is your real self. These are three bodies only, three surrounding bodies, three concentric bodies. And behind these three, and beyond them, is the centre, the self, the consciousness.
  3. Existence is energy. Science has discovered that the observed is energy, the object is energy. Religion says your body is energy, your mind is energy, your soul is energy and all manifestations and un-manifestations are energy. Then what is the difference between these three? The difference is only of a different rhythm, different wavelengths, that’s all.
  4. Vedanta effort is how to help you so that your body, your mind, your consciousness, can all dance in one rhythm, in a togetherness, in a deep harmony – not in conflict at all, but in cooperation. The moment your body, mind and consciousness function together, you have become the trinity, self-realised and in that experience is God.
  5. The Gross Body is made out of the 5 gross elements: space, air, fire, water and earth. The scriptures divide the Gross Body into 4 components: head, hands, legs and central body. The Subtle Body is composed of 5 subtle elements – same as gross body but in subtle form and has 19 instruments of experience are five Gyanendriya, five Pranas and five Karmendriyas and the 4 internal organs are the Mind, Intellect, Memory & Ego. The Causal body consists of the subtle and gross bodies in seed form and is a blueprint for the individual’s existence in the present life.
  6. Also, the Gross Body is visible to everyone, the Subtle Body is known only to oneself, but the Causal Body is not evident even to myself. Since the Causal Body is more subtle than the mind, it is not known even to me.
  7. Blueprint also carries desires, both desires for the surroundings and to grow from identity to individuality. Desire for surroundings will create misery as we are repeating our conditioning, your tendencies and forgetting our transcendental nature. This misery will remind us again and again of our transcendental nature. Once we become conscious of our transcendental nature, the same surroundings will become opportunities for self-realisation.
  8. Evolution process will start on the subtle body with 19 instruments of experience. Subtle body is the bridge between Causal and Gross body. It knows the individual’s blueprint of the evolution of this life and also knows how the gross body is following identity by creating a silver screen. 19 instruments will create organic unity between Causal and Gross body.
  9. With this transformation the Causal body starts transcending our tendencies and conditioning. By this we start the process of liberation from the instinct animal-nature to instinct self-nature. Process of liberation is not after death but when we are alive. Liberation only means one has instinct animal-nature but not identified with it.
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