- In session 1 I spoke to you regarding senses and being sensitive. In session 2 I spoke significance, desires, religion and liberation. Today’s session is about being sensitive.
- There are two ways to live: to Know and to Be both needs willpower: one is of effort, ego; the other is of no effort, no struggle, but being in a let-go with existence. Effort and ego is for survival and no effort and no struggle is for vertical growth, the purpose for human life.
- Willpower: Willpower is another name for your mind discipline, crystallised. If it is used for ego you will definitely get fame, name etc. But it will not give you fulfilment and happiness. It is an effort as it is used for survival. But the same willpower is to make the experience of being more than our body, we have to develop a strong willpower. First we have to crystallise a strong will, experiment in survival life then later we have to drop it, after we have used it to become conscious. Then drop willpower as one has learned let-go and to be effortless.
- What exactly happens when we use willpower for survival? One becomes sensitive and one’s senses are trying to pull towards body and mind. This is the time when one can let-go of willpower so that all the senses can purify the mind and drop all the resistance so that easily without any struggle or effort can become conscious of self which is the presence of Universal Consciousness within us.
- To know means to put effort, to know one faces a lot of challenges which requires ego to face it. With the willpower one will be able to put all the effort to face the challenges but needs consciousness regarding the ego so that all the challenges will be dropped with that all the hurdles for going towards the goal will be dropped. Awareness will arise. Ego will be transcended easily so one can be self-conscious. All the effort will be dropped and let-go happens so that one can Be.
- Consciousness is a quality of the mind, awareness is the transcendence; it is going beyond the mind. Mind, as such, is the medium of duality, so consciousness can never transcend duality.
- If awareness is there, transcendence will come. With that one will know the difference between sensuous and sensitive. A sensuous person is a gross person; the sensitive person is subtle. Sensitiveness is beautiful, sensuousness is ugly. Love is beautiful, lust is ugly.
- Be more sensitive – less of belief, less of the head, and more of sensitivity. Be more sensuous, alive in your senses, and then suddenly one day you will find that same sensuous transcended and become light unto yourself.
- Always remember that one has to start from survival life to experiment and experience life. So that life becomes living, which is Godliness within us.
- At every step one is experimenting and creating experience. This experience can be found in the scriptures, Shastras. Shastras are a reference for our experiments and experience.