Manage Your Resources

Duryodhana was not interested in what he had and how to manage his resources. Even though he had the Narayani Sena, which was trained by Krishna himself. His whole focus was on what Pāṇḍava has and how to defeat them.

In our life too we always feel something is missing in us. We are looking at others and comparing our life with others instead of using whatever resources we have we can manage and start from what we have, which is our present, the whole universe will support you and help you to accomplish your dream. When you start from what you have in this moment immediately you will feel everything is available and achievable. As your consciousness will shift from scarcity to abundance. When we are looking at others and at what they have, we reduce ourselves to poverty instead focus on whatever resources we have and manage to start our act from that we become an emperor.

To live in abundance is the only spiritual thing in the world.

Just look at the existence and its abundance. What is the need for so many different types of flowers in the world? Just roses would have been enough, but existence is abundant: millions and millions of flowers, millions of birds, millions of animals.

Nature is not ascetic.

Abundance is the very nature of existence, that richness is the very core, that existence does not believe in poverty.

This is a very thin line, a line from where you can become a beggar or be an emperor. It’s our choice. No one is responsible for our circumstances except us. No one is stopping us from being emperor, except ourselves. Becoming, is beggar and being is emperor.

Team Of Universe

Pandava did their preparation being very alert. The flag marked with Hanumān is declaration that like Hanumān, who out of his alertness and freedom became a representative and servant of Rama, Arjuna seated in the chariot bearing the flag marked with Hanumān, declared that out of my freedom and alertness I am  a representative and servant of the Existence. Whatever be his order I will execute it. His order is my priority .

In any circumstances before we act our preparation and surroundings speak for us. Through our ambience of the objective world we send a message to everyone how they should behave towards us.

When Arjuna had sent a message of representative and servant of Existence, he clearly conveyed that people who wanted to be representatives and servants of Existence can only join them. Pandava team’s objective was very clear, we would fight the war as a team, no one can have their individual agenda for the war. Not only as a team of army but also as a team with the Universe. Universal Will will be our Will. Our team is a participant of the Universal Will.

While; Kaurava sent the message of only Duryodhana’s will as of paramount importance and anyone who has their personal agenda will also be welcomed. Why was he allowing the personal agenda? Because he didn’t want to take decisions and lead the army. Because if he takes a decision then the whole responsibility will be on him. This is a clear indication of Mentally Laziness. Mentally lazy people want to throw their responsibility on others. For him the person who is joining his team has a certain enmity and agenda for Pandava then he will be sure that that person due to his vengeance will kill certain people. So that much work he has to do less. That much less responsibility will be on his shoulders.

We always try shortcuts to fulfil our responsibility and achieve our goal. There are no shortcuts in life.

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