Bhagavad Gita Verse 2.39 - Dwarkadhish Holistic Centre

Be Original – In Gita Verse 2.39 Thus far I have described this knowledge to you through analytical study. Now listen as I explain it in terms of working without fruitive results. O son of Pṛthā, when you act in such knowledge you can free yourself from the bondage of works.

In the serene wisdom echoed through the Bhagavad Gita, the revered Krishna imparts an understanding profound in its simplicity – that the fruits of our actions are not for us to claim. This knowledge, a liberation in itself, beckons us to release the tight grips of attachment, guiding us toward the freedom of expressions unchained from the expectations of fruitful outcomes.

Being original is the essence of our existential dance – a dance that seeks no audience nor applause but is a celebration of life itself. Originality is the return to the primal state of existence, where every thought and action springs forth like a seed unfurling through the soil to meet the sun – an unscripted beauty, an untamed wisdom. In this original state, we are reminded of a time when our being was unsullied by the pressing molds of the educations and theologies thrust upon us. We are called to remember the pure ‘I am’ that existed before we learned to chant the chorus of a conditioned society; a remembrance that ignites the flame of innovation and creativity.

Yet, society often praises the predictable, rewards the replication, and sees security in the stillness of the known. But where is the life in that? Where is the vibrant pulse of existence, the unpredictable rhythm of an original life? What we must seek is the unpredictable joy of being naturally ourselves – the unpredictable blossoming like that of the wildflower’s path, untamed and beautifully chaotic in its natural environment.

Krishna then leads us from bondage to liberation. It is in understanding knowledge as a vessel, not the journey’s end, that wisdom is birthed. We are not to be hoarders of knowledge, but conduits through which wisdom flows effortlessly, moving with the grace of the winds of consciousness. This wind cannot be contained, nor fully predicted; it must be experienced and allowed to propel us forward.

The alchemy of wisdom is indeed this transformation – the process of taking the raw, solid knowledge we carry and letting it shift and dance with the elements of our present experiences. It is an active participation, a full engagement with the resources we’ve accumulated, allowing them to metamorphose into energy that fuels our actions with originality and innovation.

Like the scientist deriving electricity from waste, we must approach our stockpile of knowledge not as an ultimate truth, but as a dynamic tool. It is through our unique perspective, our individual thought process, that this knowledge can be morphed into groundbreaking actions that alter realities, paving the way for solutions unthought of by minds confined by the status quo.

Krishna’s exhortation is clear: employ this transformed knowledge, this wisdom, to act without attachment in the grand play of the cosmos. Let action be the pure expression of wisdom gleaned from the information digested, shaped, and owned by your distinct understanding.

When we act upon such wisdom, we are liberated from the binds of our work. We no longer labor for the sake of labor, nor act for the sake of action. Instead, we become lighthouses of original thought and deed, illuminating the way for others to find their own path to freedom. This is the ultimate gift of wisdom – the ability to act in the world fully, passionately, and yet remain untethered, to fight the good fight ‘Without Enmity,’ with love in our hearts and a cosmic dance in our steps.


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