Inner Sound – In Gita Verse 4.3 That very ancient science of the relationship with the Supreme is today told by Me to you because you are My devotee as well as My friend and can therefore understand the transcendental mystery of this science.

Krishna tells Arjuna that ancient science today I am again revealing to you as you are my devotee, so that you can catch it. 

Why devotee – The life of a devotee is the life of let-go, of absolute surrender to existence – not to Krishna as body, not to anybody else.

A devotee is one whose ego is dead – in a certain sense, one who is absent as far as the ego is concerned and present for the first time, as universal consciousness.

Also remember that you can catch ancient science only in utter silence, when you are with universal sound AUM. This is a mystery. Silence is not something you can practice. It will happen on its own.

From the AUM the whole universe is created. Now NASA has recorded the sound of the Sun, which is AUM.

When from the AUM everything is created and everything is unique so you cannot follow any scriptures or any Guru. As I have written in my Bhagavad Gita Verse 4.2, religion can never be taught, it can only be caught. You need to be sharp, meditative, and silent. Once you become silent you will be able to hear the AUM from within in the middle of the market.

Guru can only guide us to be silent and when we hear the AUM, they support us. Through their guidance we are introduced to our inner sound, AUM.

Krishna, when says that understand the transcendental mystery of this science, means that you hear your own sound, which will be your own light and guide you to respond in this present moment. Then in your action there will not be any imitation, but uniqueness, freshness and fragrance of the universe.

This sound of AUM is our very truth, is our very being. We are made of it. The whole existence vibrates, and through different vibrations of the same sound there are different things, but they are simply different vibrations. A certain vibration creates a tree, another vibration creates a bird, another vibration creates a man, but the whole existence, according to the mystics, is made of sound. This sound is certainly the most sacred, the most divine, because there is nothing more beautiful, nothing more ecstatic. Once you have heard it, even from far away… just a glimpse and you will never be the same person again.

All that we are searching for in meditations is nothing but this master thief. We are searching in our being: what kind of dance, what kind of music goes on there in the living center of your life. Strangely enough all those who have entered in, have found the same answer, without exception.

Meditation is a pure, scientific method. In science you call it observation, observation of the objects. When you move inwards it is the same observation just taking a one-hundred-and eighty-degree turn and looking in. 

That’s what we call meditation. No god is needed, no Bible is needed. You need not have a belief system as a prerequisite.

An atheist can meditate, just as anybody else can, because meditation is only a method of turning inwards.

What Krishna tells to Arjuna religiousness means the transcendental mystery of this science, fearlessness. It means taking a risk, putting at stake all that you have, all that is familiar, for the unknown; leaving the known and moving into the unknown. That simple step makes you religious. No other discipline is needed.

AUM is the sound when everything else disappears from your being – no thought, no dream, no projections, no expectations, not even a single ripple – your whole lake of consciousness is simply silent; it has become just a mirror. In those rare moments you hear the sound of silence. It is the most valuable experience because it not only shows a quality of the inner music – it also shows that the inner is full of harmony, joy, blissfulness. All that is implied in the music of AUM.


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