Gratitude Is The Only Prayer

It is through gratitude that one becomes aware of the presence of god; not vice versa. People think that when they become aware of god they will feel very grateful towards him. That’s nonsense! It can’t happen that way.

First you have to learn how to be grateful only then can you become aware of the presence of god.

Gratitude means that you have become aware of one thing: that the existence has done so much for you and you have not even thanked it. On the contrary you have been continuously complaining.

We have lost the very sense of gratefulness. So whatsoever happens to us we accept it, as if we deserve it. We don’t deserve a thing!

But we start taking everything for granted.

The insensitivity of human beings think they have earned it: It has to be given to them. And man has not earned anything.

We have not earned these trees and these flowers and these birds and these stars and these mountains.

This immensely beautiful existence, start feeling grateful for it!

It is not a question of to whom, that is not the point, it is irrelevant.

Just start feeling grateful that you have been showered with so many gifts.

Whatsoever it is. Call it god, or if that word annoys you then call it something else.

But some unknown force has been showering its love on you.

Start feeling grateful and soon you will be connected with it and soon you will be bridged and more will start happening.

And you will be surprised that one cannot feel grateful enough. It is never enough because the existence goes on doing so much for you.

We cannot repay it but at least we can be thankful.

That is prayer means.


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