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Joy and happiness are wonderful feelings to experience. But are they the same? Though the most of the dictionaries give pretty much same meaning for both the words, there is a profound difference between Joy and happiness.

Happiness Versus Joy:

One of the core experiences we all seek is delight, and one of the most common words we use for this experience is happiness. We all want to be happy, and we seek it in countless ways. But there is another word that we use in a similar way—joy. These two words—happiness and joy—actually have somewhat different meanings. We will use these differences to describe two different approaches to this experience of delight and wellbeing that we all seek.

The Fleeting Nature of Happiness:

Happiness, as used here, is based primarily on circumstances. When we perceive  the circumstances in our lives as favorable, then we are more likely to be happy. For instance, if we have what we consider the right job, the right home, and the right friends, then we’re happy in those areas of our life. Of course, there’s the really big one—having the right special someone to share our life with. If we have that, then we’re really happy. There are countless things, big and small, that we use to try and make ourselves happy. The list is essentially endless.

Discovering Eternal Joy:

If happiness is derived mainly from outer things, then joy is found in the opposite direction. Joy originates from within. Whereas happiness might be considered a state of circumstances, joy is a state of being.

True joy comes from the very nature of who we are. Infinite joy is an inherent quality of our own deepest being. Therefore, unlike happiness, this inner joy is not based on anything circumstantial, external, or transitory. It is an abiding, permanent, and inherent quality of who we are in our deepest truth.

As our awareness expands, we realize that our particular circumstances don’t matter as much anymore. Instead, our joyful state of being increasingly radiates throughout all circumstances and becomes immune to their constant shifting.

Through Sanmukh’s personal experience, he’ve come to realize that there is a significant difference between Joy and happiness.

There was an occasion, where I have come across with a challenge at my professional work, where I had to change a system of working totally and introduce a new process. As it requires knowledge and creativity, My passion to introduce Innovation & technology wherever possible, made me to succeed and introduce a new concept of working. Though the appreciation which I received from my superior officers and end users made me happy, I had an internal feeling and pleasure, Which is something beyond the happiness. Because I did what is nearer to my heart, my passion, I had a feeling which is not tied to external circumstances. An intense pleasure called Joy.

Happiness is a feeling, but joy is not. Happiness is fleeting, but joy is everlasting. Happiness depends on circumstances or other people, but joy is a gift from God. Happiness is worldly, but joy is divine.


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