Innocence Is The Door – In Gita Verse 9.1 The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me, I shall impart to you this most confidential knowledge and realisation, knowing which you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence.

Krishna, when tells Arjuna that he is never envious of Me – he means that Arjuna is Faultless, Innocent. Always remember that unless a person is Innocent like a child then only he is eligible for most confidential knowledge and realisation.

What is innocence, what is beauty?

To live in the moment is innocence, to live without the past is innocence, to live without conclusions is innocence, to function out of the state of not knowing is innocence. And the moment you function out of such tremendous silence which is not burdened by any past, out of such tremendous stillness which knows nothing, the experience that happens is beauty.

Whenever you feel beauty – in the rising sun, in the stars, in the flowers, or in the face of a woman or a man – wherever and whenever you feel beauty, watch. And one thing will always be found: you had functioned without the mind, you had functioned without any conclusion, you had simply functionned spontaneously. The moment gripped you, and the moment gripped you so deeply that you were cut off from the past.

And when you are cut off from the past you are cut off from the future automatically, because past and future are two aspects of the same coin; they are not separate, and they are not separable either. You can toss a coin; sometimes it is heads, sometimes it is tails, but the other part is always there, hiding behind. Past and future are two aspects of the same coin. The name of the coin is mind. When the whole coin is dropped, that dropping is an innocence. Then you don’t know who you are, then you don’t know what is: there is no knowledge.

But you are, existence is, and the meeting of these two isnesses – the small isness of you, meeting with the infinite isness of existence – that meeting, that merger, is the experience of beauty.

Innocence is the door; through innocence you enter into beauty. The more innocent you become, the more beautiful your existence becomes. The more knowledgeable you are, the more and more existence is ugly, because you start functioning from conclusions, you start functioning from knowledge.

The moment you know, you destroy all poetry. The moment you know, and think that you know, you have created a barrier between yourself and that which is. Then everything is distorted. Then you don’t hear with your ears, you translate. Then you don’t see with your eyes, you interpret. Then you don’t experience with your heart, you think that you experience. Then all possibility of meeting with existence in immediacy, in intimacy, is lost. You have fallen apart.

This is the original sin. And this is the whole story, the biblical story of Adam and Eve eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Once they have eaten the fruit of knowledge they are driven out of paradise. Not that somebody drove them out, not that God ordered them to get out of paradise, they themselves fell. Knowing they were no longer innocent, knowing they were separate from existence, knowing they were egos…knowing created such a barrier, an iron barrier.

“What is innocence?” Vomit knowledge! The fruit of the Tree of Knowledge has to be vomited. That’s what meditation is all about. Throw it out of your system; it is poison, pure poison. Live without knowledge, knowing that “I don’t know.” Function out of this state of not knowing and you will know what beauty is.

Socrates knows what beauty is, because he functions out of this state of not knowing. There is knowledge that does not know, and there is ignorance that knows. Become ignorant like Socrates and then a totally different quality enters your being: you become a child again, it is a rebirth. Your eyes are full of wonder again, each and everything that surrounds, surprises. The bird on the wing, and you are thrilled! The sheer joy of seeing the bird on the wing – and it is as if you are on the wing.

The dewdrop slipping from a lotus leaf and the morning sun shining on it and creating a small rainbow around it, and the moment is so overwhelming…the dewdrop slipping off the leaf, just on the verge of meeting with the infinite, disappearing into the lake – and it is as if you start slipping, as if your drop starts slipping into the ocean of existence. In the moment of innocence, not knowing, the difference between the observer and the observed evaporates. You are no longer separate from that which you are seeing, you are no longer separate from that which you are hearing.

Krishna when says to Arjuna – I shall impart to you this most confidential knowledge and realisation – it clearly indicates that Arjuna became a child again, he became innocent to receive confidential knowledge and realisation.


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