VBT – Meditation 29.1

Baby Language

For the intellectual type proofs must be there. If you say, “There is a God. Surrender yourself to God,” first God has to be proven. But then God becomes a theorem – of course proven, but useless. God must remain unproven; otherwise he is of no use, because then trust is meaningless. If you believe in a proven God, then your God is just a theorem of geometry. No one believes in the theorems of Euclid – there is no need, they can be proven. That which can be proven cannot be made a basis of trust.

One of the most mysterious Christian saints, Tertullian, said, “I believe in God because he is absurd.”

That is right. That is the attitude of the feeling type. He says, “Because he cannot be proven, that is why I believe in him.” This statement is illogical, irrational, because a logical statement must be like this: “These are the proofs of God; therefore I believe in him.” And he says, “Because there are no proofs, and no argument can prove that God is, therefore I believe in him.” And he is right in a way, because trust means a jump into the unknown without any reasons. Only a feeling type can do that.

Forget devotion, first understand love; then you will be able to understand devotion. You fall in love.

Why do we say “falling in love?” Nothing falls – just your head. What falls in love but your head? You fall down from the head. That is why we say “falling in love” – because the language is created by intellectual types. For them love is a lunacy, love is madness. One has fallen in love. It means, now you can expect anything from him… now he is mad, now no reasoning will help, you cannot reason with him. Can you reason with someone who is in love? People try. People try, but nothing can be proven.

You have fallen in love with someone. Everyone says, “That person is not worthwhile,” or “You are entering a dangerous terrain,” or “You are proving yourself foolish; you can find a better partner.” But nothing will help, no reasoning will help. You are in love – now reason is useless. Love has its own reasoning. We say “falling in love.” It means now your behavior will be irrational.

Look at two lovers, at their behavior, their communication. It becomes irrational. They start using baby talk. Why? Even a great scientist, when he falls in love, will use baby language. Why not use a highly developed, technological language? Why use this baby talk? Because highly technological language is of no use.

Love, truth, bliss – there is an intrinsic core in them: they need to be shared; they are not sufficient unto themselves. Sharing is part, but they are not possessive. The reason is totally different. The reason is that love basically gives freedom: it gives freedom to oneself, it gives freedom to others. A love that becomes a bondage is not love; it is lust, it is animal, it is not human. Love gives freedom, then it becomes human, but it is still a kind of relatedness.

There is one more dimension to love. In the first, love is a biological need; in the second it is a psychological sharing; in the third you are love. In the first it is a relationship, a possessiveness; in the second it is a relatedness, a friendship, a friendliness; in the third you are love itself. Your very being is love, you radiate love. Only then has love come to its crescendo – it has achieved the ultimate, the last – you can call it godliness.


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