Three Aspects

Intuition is possible because the unknowable is there. Science denies the existence of the divine because it says, “There is only one division: the known and the unknown. If there is any God, we will discover him through laboratory methods. If he exists, science will discover him.”

We are the pilgrims of the unknowable

Science is interested only in the objective world, where you can never come to the ultimate truth, because from the very beginning it is boycotting the subjective world. So its truth is going to remain always relative. The scientist is interested in objects, but he is not interested in himself.

To be interested in oneself means to be interested in truth, to be interested in consciousness, to be interested in bliss. But those are fearful, dangerous paths for the mind – any one of them ….

And in fact they all three come together as three aspects of one experience. The moment you experience truth you also experience a tremendous explosion of consciousness and, at the same time, an immense overflowing of bliss from your own heart.

In this flood of light, the mind finds itself incapable even of opening its eyes. It is a bird of darkness, just like the owl – in the day it closes its eyes, in the night its day begins – and the overflowing bliss becomes almost like a flood. It will take away all dead wood, which the mind has collected as knowledge. And consciousness will dispel all the dark corners in which the mind is hiding itself, repressing its desires, repressing its anger, greed, lust and a thousand and one other things which have been condemned by the society.

Mind’s greatest fear is not death. Its greatest fear is enlightenment. Death is nothing to be worried about, it cannot take away anything from the mind, but illumination is going to destroy the mind completely.

With this question arises in us is really mind trying to figure out what is happening to you. And what is happening to you is beyond the capacity of mind.

Unless something is reduced to language, mind is incapable of understanding it. Mind is a linguist, full of words and language. That is its only treasure and if something cannot be brought into language, it remains outside the world of mind. But mind is only a small part of you: you are far bigger; hence you can experience many things, which mind cannot understand.

You may feel thankful … When you are experiencing the inexpressible. All that you can do is feel grateful. You cannot even say for what you are grateful, because that ‘what’ is part of the mystery of existence.

This is a good indication if what is happening to you is bringing thankfulness. And thankfulness or gratefulness is far more important than any knowledge, because it transforms you. Knowledge only informs you.


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