Fulfill It

Just the energy touching your higher level of consciousness, the superconscious – just the touch, and there is a shower of joy which continues.

Slowly the energy goes on hitting and makes its way to the center of the superconsciousness. You have nothing to do: your work is finished when you have stopped repressing and you have cleaned your unconscious. Then you have nothing to do; then all that has to be done is done by your energy. And when you reach the center a new faculty starts functioning in you which is intuition.

At the center of the unconscious is instinct.

At the center of the conscious is intellect.

At the center of the superconscious is intuition.

Instinct makes you do things, forces you to do things even against your will. Intellect helps you to find ways if you want to do a certain thing, or to find ways if you don’t want to do a certain thing. Intellect’s function is to find a way. If you want to go with the instinct, intellect will find a way.

If you are a so-called religious person, a pseudo-religious person, and you want to go against your instinct, intellect will find a way. They may be strange ways, but intellect is at your service: whatever you want it will do. It is not in favor of or against anything, it is simply at your disposal. If a man is sane he will use his intellect to help his unconscious be fulfilled. The sooner it is fulfilled the better, so that you are free from it. Fulfillment means freedom from it.

If you are some kind of crackpot, Catholic, Protestant, any kind – there are all sorts of crackpots available in the world. You can choose what kind of crackpot you want to be: Hindu, Mohammedan, Jaina, Buddhist – all kinds of varieties are available. You cannot say: “The variety I want is not available,” you cannot say that. In thousands of years man has created almost every single variety of crackpot. You can choose, you can have your choice; but whatever you choose it is the same.

Nobody has told you how to use intellect to fulfill your unconscious, your nature, your biology, your chemistry. They are yours. What does it matter whether it is chemistry or biology or physiology? They are part of you and nature never gives anything without reason. Fulfill it, and its fulfillment is going to make a path for the higher potential.

All religious people are hung up with the lowest part of their being – that’s why they look so sad and so guilty. They cannot rejoice. Jesus goes on saying to these people: “Rejoice,” and on the other hand he goes on saying to them: “Remember hell.” He is creating a dilemma for people, showing them the way to hell – the way to hell is to fulfill your nature and the way to heaven is to go against your nature. But to go against your nature creates hell here on earth.

You can create paradise here, now.

Why postpone such a good thing?

Things which are not worth your attention you can postpone – but paradise? I am not ready to postpone it for tomorrow or for the next second. You can have it herenow. All that you need is a clean unconscious: fulfilled, contented, biology settles; chemistry settles and gives you all the energy that was involved in those planes. The energy shoots upwards by itself, and it stops only at the very center of your superconscious mind. And their intuition starts functioning.

Intuition is in some ways like instinct, in some ways absolutely unlike instinct; in some ways like intellect, in other ways absolutely against intellect. So you will have to understand, because it is the subtlest thing in you.


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