Integrating Ancient Wisdom in Modern Life: Granthis

  1. Our chakras are blocked because our behaviour is not in line with our knowledge. When our actions are done with awareness it will bring maturity in us and allow us to gradually open our respective chakras naturally.
  2. If your knowledge is not in line with your behaviour then it will become blockage or knot. Unless knowledge becomes your behaviour it is of no use. What you do is more important than what you say, because the things you do show your true intentions and feelings.
  3. There are mental blocks to understanding the truth. Hinduism calls these psychic blocks that prevent the understanding of the truth, as the three “granthis” meaning three “knots”. They are Selfishness: This is called Brahma Granthi, Emotional attachment; This is called Vishnu Granthi and Attachment to psychic power; Rudra Granthi. They block the chakras and obstruct the flow of Kundalini energy, from inner Ganga to meet the Akash Ganga.
  4. Psychic knot of Brahma Granthi is located at the base of the spine between Muladhara Chakra and Svadhisthana Chakra. These are animal chakras for survival and reproduction. Mul Bhanda is practised to unknot this granthi. One who has unknot Brahma Granthi will be called Pashutita and instinctive patterns, fear and selfishness will lead to behavioural changes. Now they are mature to move above from survival and reproduction. Kundalini ascends the Root Chakra to Manipura Chakra.
  5. Psychic knot of Vishnu Garnthi is located between Manipura Chakra and Anahata Chakra. The Uddiyana Bhanda (Abdomen Lock) with Mula Bandha, this lock pierces Vishnu Granthi. The individual is able to transcend individuality. One who has unknot Vishnu Granthi will be called Tattvatita and break the chains of self-importance and self-servitude. All the senses are in control and one can move the senses inwardly. Kundalini rises to the next level of consciousness in the Anahata (heart) and Vishuddha chakras.
  6. Psychic knot of Rudra Granthi is located between the Anahata and Ajña chakras. Jalandhara bandha (Cloud Catching Lock or Net Lock – for the network of nadis in the neck) is practised when Prana, Apana, Samana and Udana vayu in Sushumna Nadi loosen Rudra Granthi, and the veil of separation is lifted. One who unknot Rudra Granthi will be called Gunatita and signifies the dissolution of the ego and overcoming the individual Self. He realises self-knowledge and merges into Supreme Consciousness. Kundalini leads to the highest level of awareness by opening the Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra. Before self-realisation, avoid self-conceit. So that we can become Gunatitta from Pashutita to Tatvatit.

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