Integrating Ancient Wisdom in Modern Life: Light Unto Oneself

  1. Purusha, as a soul, resides within each manifestation, is non-doer and has nothing to do with any result. At the same time the latent soul within us wants to realise who he is and the originality of the self it needs some instrument, a mirror which is the human body, mind and intellect. Because in the whole existence of manifestation only man has the seed to grow into consciousness.
  2. Consciousness is a lamp unto oneself, which can reflect itself in the mirror of the human body, mind and intellect. Through the reflection consciousness becomes self-aware.
  3. Consciousness can see its reflection only when the mind is still and does not have any influence on the human body or intellect. When body, conscience (mind + intellect) and soul are in organic unity it gives individuality to man. Purusha, the Universal Consciousness, constantly watches over the unconscious human beings and the life in them.
  4. Body and conscience is manifestation of Prakriti and soul is the presence of Universal consciousness in all manifestations. Prakriti creates the delusion that it is real and permanent. Universal consciousness is Brahma, a creator of all creation, is eternal.
  5. Soul, which is inside every manifestation, wants to realise its original nature eternity, Purusha. But manifestation Prakruti resides in time and Soul belongs to eternity. Soul is a penetration of eternity into the world of time and is deathless, living in a body of death, knows no death, no birth.
  6. Body is instrument for action, conscience is owner of the action and soul is non-doer, transcendental awareness. Body is instrument and soul is non-doer so fruits of the Karma does not belong to them it belongs to conscience. Conscience changes the body instrument, which is manifestation of Prakriti to which Purusha gives life, which is non-doer.
  7. Body is destroyable, so it dies. Conscience cannot be destroyed but transcends. Soul is eternal. When conscience transcends is called Brahma Dwar, door to eternal.
  8. When consciousness is reflected upon the soul instead of the body, mind and intellect immediately it transcends to awareness, one can see light unto oneself, Purusha. Because consciousness is quality and Awareness is Transcendence.
  9. The seven stages to realise the soul as Universal Consciousness are ignorance, veil, distraction, indirect knowledge, direct knowledge, grief will fall away and be completely satisfied.

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