Integrating Ancient Wisdom in Modern Life: Self-Wisdom

  1. When one transcends the glory of Discriminated Wisdom is ready for the last leap, Kaivailyam. As now Discriminated Wisdom is still and unmotivated, called Self-Wisdom. Self-Wisdom is attained only by one who turns his eyes away from others, self and Self-Discriminated Wisdom.
  2. Birth is the result of our desires. With the Discriminated Wisdom one is returning desires to the self-identity, thereby eliminating all samskaras or in the spiritual way one transcends desires to Self-Wisdom. As Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to another. With self-awareness one can direct the energy of desires towards self-knowledge. So that all the energy which was creating Samskar is now merging into Universal-Self. This is called Dharma Meghah Samadhi.
  3. One who is established in Dharma Meghah Samadhi is disencumbrance and untouched by miseries and fruits of Karma. Now one starts reflecting and vibrating in the same frequency as Universal Consciousness.
  4. Human birth is an evolutionary journey from the ignorance of self and egoism to Universal Consciousness. Self-Wisdom is infinite knowledge, infinite as the sky, which realises and purifies ignorance and egoism. With purification of ignorance and egoism one becomes significant and manifested existence becomes insignificant.
  5. Three Gunas, senses and elements are transient and change their permutation and combination continuously. So sequential transformation of qualities of matter takes place. When this transformation of matter manifests as Human it will start reversing the process of evolution, counter evolution. Now the journey of revolution starts from matter to Supreme Consciousness. Where again matter merges into Supreme Consciousness it ends the sequence. One enters the inner world, everything is without a cause. The day you enter into the causeless, that same day you will enter into the divine.
  6. Pure power of mind merges into Supreme Consciousness to which Patanjali says, Kaivailyam is the state of enlightenment that follows the remergence of the gunas, senses and elements due to their becoming devoid of the object of the one. In this state the one is established in his real nature. One has come back home. The journey of evolution and revolution has been long, torturous, arduous, but one has come back home.
  7. Now seekers drop from all the paths. All paths are of desire, extensions of desire, projections of desire: going somewhere, going somewhere, always somewhere else, never here. Seeker, leave all paths, because all paths lead there, and He is here. The fish has jumped into the ocean which is pure consciousness.

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