Prati Prasava – Dhyan

  1. Kriya Yoga: Kriya Yoga is an ancient practice that uses specific techniques to accelerate spiritual growth and harmonise body, mind, and spirit.
    • It involves disciplined breathing techniques and subtle movements that activate life-force energy, guiding it through the chakras and awakening latent potential.
    • The regular practice of Kriya Yoga leads to heightened awareness, self-control, and an inner state of tranquillity.
    • By aligning breath and movement, practitioners can break through energetic blockages, fostering a deeper connection to the self.
  2. Bring Every Effect to the Cause: To understand the impact of any effect, one must trace it back to its cause, gaining insights into the deeper motivations of our actions.
    • By acknowledging that every effect has a root cause, we learn not to be swayed by life’s surface disturbances and remain centred within.
    • This process empowers individuals to transform reactions into responses, bringing mindful intention to every act.
    • It allows for healing and resolution as we start addressing not just symptoms of discontent but the underlying issues.
    • Trace every experience to its root to master life’s flow.
  3. Prati Prasava – Dhyan: Prati Prasava – Dhyan is the meditative process of tracing the stream of consciousness back to its source, reversing the outward flow of energies.
    • By following thoughts and emotions back to their roots, we uncover layers of conditioning that dictate patterns of behaviour and perception.
    • This inward journey requires one to observe the self with non-judgmental awareness, embracing each discovery with compassion.
    • Prati Prasava is the return to the essence.

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