Self-Awareness Is Difficult – In Gita Verse 1.26 There Arjuna could see, within the midst of the armies of both parties, his fathers, grandfathers, teachers, maternal uncles, brothers, sons, grandsons, friends, and also his fathers-in-law and well-wishers.

As soon as Arjuna saw both the parties he was shattered. As in the verse says that Arjuna could see, in the midst of the armies of both parties, his fathers, grandfathers, teachers, maternal uncles, brothers, sons, grandsons, friends, and also his fathers-in-law and well-wishers. This verse did not say he watched everyone and their positions. That indicates that he got into an objective world and unable to turn towards himself in his subjectivity. Krishna had his own doubt: how can Arjuna, will be neutral when he will see the whole Kuru family and their friends.

To remain aware is difficult. To be unconscious is easy. If you are unconscious then you are part of the objective world and not as Individual, not settle in your subjectivity.

In my blog Bhagavad Gita Verse 1.24, I have written that why Arjuna selected against the whole Narayani Sena Krishna, himself as charioteer on a condition, that he would neither fight nor hold any weapon, Arjuna knew that the whole purpose of this war is just not winning or losing or exhibition of their strength, but universe wants to deliver message to whole humanity that we can fight without enmity. The Mahabharat war was not just an ordinary war it was a war in which Pandava fought without enmity. Keeping this mindfulness of universe message he selected Krishna against the whole Narayani sena. He gave priority to the Universe and not his desire to win Indraprastha. Pandava did not want to win Hastinapur they wanted only their part of land and that is Indraprastha.

The unconscious can be transformed only through awareness. It is difficult, but there is no other way. There are many methods for being aware, but awareness is necessary. You can use methods to be aware, but you will have to be aware.

If someone asks whether there is any method to dispel darkness except by light, howsoever difficult it may be, that is the only way – because darkness is simply the absence of light. So you have to create the presence of light and then darkness is not there.

Unconsciousness is nothing but an absence, the absence of consciousness. It is not something positive in itself, so you cannot do anything except be aware. If unconsciousness were something in its own right then it would be a different matter, but it is not. Unconsciousness doesn’t mean something; it only means not consciousness. It is just an absence. It has no existence in itself; in itself it is not. The word unconscious simply shows the absence of consciousness and nothing else. When we say ‘darkness’ the word is misleading, because the moment we say darkness, it appears that darkness is something that is there. It is not, so you cannot do anything with darkness directly – or can you?

You may not have observed the fact, but with darkness you cannot do anything directly. Whatsoever you want to do with darkness you will have to do with light, not with darkness. If you want darkness, then put off light. If you don’t want darkness, then put on light. But you cannot do anything directly with darkness; you will have to go via light.

Why? Why can you not go directly? You cannot go directly because there is nothing like darkness, so you cannot touch it directly. You have to do something with light, and then you have done something with darkness.

If light is there, then darkness is not there. If light is not there, then darkness is there. You can bring light into this room, but you cannot bring darkness. You can take light out from this room, but you cannot take darkness out from this room. There exists no connection between you and darkness. Why? If darkness were there then man could be related somehow, but darkness is not there.

By selecting Krishna, Arjuna brought light. Why in India there is a lot of emphasis on living master/Guru?

In the East, the blessing of a master is very very significant.

A great receptivity is needed, a great feminine receptivity is needed to find the master. And if you are available and a living master is there, suddenly something clicks. There is nothing to do on your part – you simply – be there. It is such a vital energy phenomenon that if you are available something simply clicks, you are caught. It is a love phenomenon. You cannot prove to anybody else, “I have found the master.” There is no proof. Don’t try that because anybody can bring proof against it. You have found it and you know it; you have tasted and you know it. This knowledge is of the heart, of the feeling.

At the same time remember – Nobody can put you right except you, yourself. The master simply teaches you to be a master of yourself – that is the true function of a master. He does not want you to depend on him. But the mind goes on playing these mischiefs. The mind wants you to depend. The mind is always in search of a father figure or a mother figure; you want somebody to hold your hand. You want somebody to guide, to lead. The master can only indicate. He is a finger pointing to the moon. But the mind plays a mischief: it clings to the finger – you may even start sucking the finger.

Arjuna was well aware of his weaknesses. He also knew that only Krishna can help him to come out of his Unconsciousness.


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