Be Ordinary – In Gita Verse 4.9 One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.

In the Bhagavad Gita Verse 4.9, Krishna imparts profound wisdom to Arjuna, illustrating the transcendental nature of existence. This verse, in particular, reveals that understanding the divine nature of Krishna’s appearance and activities leads one to transcend the cycle of birth and death, ultimately attaining eternal union with the divine. The essence of this teaching is akin to understanding electricity – not by its visible effects, but by recognising its invisible existence.

Life, as we know it, is a tapestry woven with opposing forces. Light and darkness, birth and death – each exists because of the other. What we perceive through our senses is the material world, or ‘Lok’, but there is a realm beyond this sensory perception, a supernatural realm that remains ever-present. It is this supernatural essence that defines true life, distinct from the physical manifestations of birth and death.

Krishna emphasises that his life is supernatural, a statement that extends to all of existence. Life is the unseen stream flowing between the visible banks of birth and death. The banks are tangible, yet they are not the stream itself. Similarly, the body is not life; it merely houses it. This distinction is crucial, for when one realises the supernatural nature of life, they transcend individuality and merge with the infinite.

Electricity provides a lucid interpretation of this verse. We observe the effects of electricity – light from a bulb, the motion of a fan – but the essence of electricity itself remains unseen. It is not the bulb or the wire; it is the invisible force that powers them. Similarly, life is not the body; it is the invisible force that animates it. Recognising this truth leads to liberation from the cycle of rebirth, as one becomes united with the vastness of existence.

Krishna’s declaration of his divine life serves as a reminder that recognising the supernatural within oneself leads to a union with the divine. This is not a claim of exclusivity but an invitation for everyone to realise their own divine nature. When a person acknowledges their infinite self, they transcend the limitations of individuality and become one with the universal consciousness.

The teachings of Krishna resonate with the insights of other spiritual figures like Buddha and Kabir. Buddha emphasised awareness as the path to enlightenment, a wakefulness that allows one to live life fully. Kabir, through his poetry, illustrated the importance of maintaining awareness in everyday life, likening it to village women balancing water pots on their heads without spilling a drop. This analogy underscores the need for a watchful inner presence, an awareness that keeps us grounded in the supernatural essence of life.

Krishna’s message to Arjuna serves as a profound invitation to awaken to one’s eternal essence. By delving inward and recognising the divine within, individuals can transcend the material world and its attachments. This awakening is not something that can be externally imposed; it necessitates a personal yearning for enlightenment. Whether through scientific understanding or introspection, one discovers an indestructible essence that merely changes form. When this desire for awakening arises, all necessary support becomes available, paving the way to self-realisation and the discovery of one’s own eternity.

Life is a divine gift, an eternal presence that transcends the boundaries of time and space. To truly live is to embrace this gift with awareness, being fully present in each moment. By bringing awareness to our routine acts and embracing the ordinary, we transform mundane activities into meditation, which leads to the crystallisation of our being. This process allows us to realise our Own Eternity, becoming a living expression of the infinite. The key to awakening lies in the simplicity of being ordinary, where awareness in everyday actions unlocks the extraordinary within us.

Krishna’s teachings remind us that the journey to self-realisation is a personal one, requiring an awakening to the supernatural essence of life. By embracing this awareness, we can transcend the cycle of birth and death and unite with the divine. This is the ultimate goal of existence, the realisation of our true nature as beings of infinite potential.

  1. Deepak Rani Girdhar 6 years ago


  2. Deepak Rani Girdhar 6 years ago

    Wonderful description

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