Sex Is Energy – In Gita Verse 2.42-43 Men of small knowledge are very much attached to the flowery words of the Vedas, which recommend various fruitive activities for elevation to heavenly planets, resultant good birth, power, and so forth. Being desirous of sense gratification and opulent life, they say that there is nothing more than this.

Krishna explains to Arjuna when we are stuck to the knowledge we will be fascinated and get attached to them. In that we stop our growth. We need those words of Vedas to understand our subjectivity but to act we need our own intelligence, meaning Vedas will become resources and nothing else. If we can use our own thinking, intelligence then the seed of consciousness we have brought with us as a human being will start growing. We can nurture the seed of consciousness only through our intelligence.

Right now again I will explain to you by giving the example of waste – a few decades back everyone was thinking only one thing how to get rid of waste, so in the process we have created more pollution, expenses, etc. This is because we were stuck with the waste and with all the information of waste we were not using our intelligence. But few people thought about how we can use the waste instead of how to get rid of waste. Everything changed, they could see electricity in the waste. When this experiment was successful suddenly everything changed – pollution from the waste has reduced, income has been generated, employment was there. Just by using our own intelligence how much can change. We need our own intelligence to focus on the solutions. Till the time we focus on the problem it will be attracting misery, once the focus is shifted from problem to solution all the misery will disappear and we will find growth not only for us but for others too.

As we are not using our intelligence we are stuck to the Sex as a biological need only. The people who used their intelligence realised God within this energy, self within this energy. They started directing their sex energy towards prayers, meditations, playfulness, enthusiasm, participation etc, they transformed the same energy of the sex to superconsciousness. Exactly like from waste to electricity.

When we think and utilise sex energy only for the biological purpose then all kinds of problem of rape, hatred, aggressiveness, anxiety, frustration, violence will be there. These are like pollution in the society. See the people who through their prayers, meditations, playfulness, enthusiasm, participation have transformed their sex energy into creating themselves are calm, non-violent and affectionate.

Don’t give yourself consolation that you are prayerful, playful, meditative etc, because under this name you are cheating yourself. No one will be affected except you. You will be caught up in desire, greed, anger, with the repressed sexual energy. Unless you see in your action enthusiasm, participation and playfulness your prayer, meditation, are phoney, fake.

Be authentic to yourself. To use your sex energy for biological purposes you can use for a certain age only but to use your sex energy for prayers there is no age bar.

See how the Aryan society was divided accordingly to age our growth and creativity. Where we require our sexual energy for all the stages. Also remember that sex energy is carrying life in it. This is the reason we can produce life in the form of our children. This is the biggest mystery. And all our acts need that energy so the act itself becomes alive. As without our intelligence we use sex energy only for biological purposes. But if we use our intelligence we can see life into it. Unless we start seeing life into sex energy we will not be able to transform that energy for creating ourselves – Growing In Consciousness.

The life of a man in the Aryan society was divided into four stages of 25 years each, assuming that a man lived for 100 years. The first part of his life span, that is from birth till the age of 25 years, was supposed to be the period of Brahmacharya (celibacy). During this period he was supposed to be busy with studies.

The term ashrama means a stage in the long journey of life of a man. Bhramacharya was the first stage of life from birth to twenty five years of age. And in this period he acquired knowledge by leading the life of a student.

After the education in the Gurukula, the man entered the second stage of his life that is Grihastha ashrama (householder’s life) till the age of fifty. During this stage a man was supposed to marry and lead a family life following a set of customs and traditions. After this he entered vanaprastha ashrama (life of service to others) till the age of seventy five. During this third period he was supposed to break the family ties and serve the community. This stage was followed by Sanyasa (a renounced life in the forest) where a person had to abandon his complete social life and devote all his time in the service of God to attain salvation. 

If you become prayerful then there will be kind of joy, enthusiasm, participation you will find in yourself. You don’t have to give anyone that proof. Your act will become your proof.

Krishna is asking Arjuna to become self-alert and play his role through his intelligence. Use the resource of your creativity to drop all your identification. Your intelligence is with you and not in the scriptures they are just a reminder and call to use your intelligence.


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