Choose a technique which fits you, put your total energy into it, and you will not be the same again.

Change The Within

Real, authentic techniques always will be like that. If I make preconditions, it shows I have a pseudo technique – I say, “First do this and first do not do that, and then…” And those are impossible conditions because a thief can change his objects, but be cannot become a non-thief.

A greedy man can change the objects of his greed, but he cannot become non-greedy. You can force him or he can force upon himself non-greed, but it is also only because of a certain greed. If heaven is promised he may even try to be non-greedy. But this is greed par excellence. Heaven, MOKSHA – liberation; SATCHITANANDA – existence, consciousness, bliss, they will be the objects of his greed.

Tantra says, you cannot change man unless you give him authentic techniques with which to change.

Just by preaching nothing is changed. And you can see this all over the world. Whatsoever tantra says is written all over the world – so much preaching, so much moralizing, so many priests, preachers. The whole world is filled with them, yet everything is so ugly and so immoral.

Why is this happening? The same will be the case if you give your hospitals to preachers. They will go there and they will start preaching. And they will make every ill man feel, “You are guilty! You have created this disease; now change this disease.” If preachers are given hospitals, what will be the condition of hospitals? The same as the condition of the whole world.

Preachers go on preaching. They go on telling people, “Don’t be angry,” without giving any technique. And we have heard this teaching for so long that we never even raise the question: “What are you saying? I am angry and you simply say, ‘Don’t be angry.’ How is this possible? When I am angry it means ‘I’ am anger, and you just tell me, ‘Don’t be angry.’ So I can only suppress myself.”

But that will create more anger. That will create guilt – because if I try to change and cannot change myself, that creates inferiority. It gives me a feeling of guilt, that I am incapable, I cannot win over my anger. No one can win! You need certain weapons, you need certain techniques, because your anger is just an indication of a disturbed mind. Change the disturbed mind and the indication will change. Anger is just showing what is within. Change the within and the without will change.

So tantra is not concerned with your so-called morality. Really, to emphasize morality is mean, degrading; it is inhuman. If someone comes to me and I say, “Leave anger first, leave sex first, leave this and that,” then I am inhuman. What I am saying is impossible. And that impossibility will make that man feel inwardly mean. He will begin to feel inferior; he will be degraded inside in his own eyes. If he tries the impossible, he is going to be a failure. And when he is a failure he will be convinced that he is a sinner.

The preachers have convinced the whole world that “You are sinners.” This is good for them, because unless you are convinced, their profession cannot continue. You must be sinners: only then can churches, temples and mosques continue to prosper. Your being in sin is their success. Your guilt is the base of all the highest churches. The more guilty you are, the more churches will go on rising higher and higher. They are built on your guilt, on your sin, on your inferiority complex. Thus, they have created an inferior humanity.


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