Love can make life more transparent to the divine dimension.
As we all know that transparency required in all areas of our life, be it business job or relationships in order to feel the relatedness fully. If there is lack of transparency in relationship, it will sooner or later bound to fail and collapse, and is often termed as betrayal.
To move beyond the realm of form and to experience the gift of love through consciousness, love must be unconditional, ongoing, and without a need for possession.
As learning from Glass is Clear Vision, which is possible only when there us transparency. So the quality of Glass is directly transparency and indirectly teaches us Integrity.
Like the blending of all 7 colors with all 7 chakras, and each chakra blending, harmonising with each other, making it white, clear, calm and integrated. We need to blend with existence without any resistant to live joyful and healthy life.
This Quality of Glass: Transparency