
Non-resistance is the key to the greatest power in the universe:

When a problem enters your life, of course it needs attention. We can’t usually ignore it. But sometimes our first response is resistance. Why can’t it just go away … I don’t have time … I’m too busy. So by the time we’re forced into figuring ways to resolve it we’re already caught up into thinking it won’t go away unless we stew and fret over it. And a problem that could be dealt with quickly becomes a monster on your back.

Resistance to unwanted circumstances has the power to keep those circumstances alive and well for a very long time.

When you fight something, you’re tied to it forever. As long as you’re fighting it, you’re giving it power.

Persistence: You may feel you’re not trying hard enough to solve the problem if it doesn’t involve fear, worry, frustration, or any other way to express your negative feelings about it. But your thoughts, feelings, and actions produce energy, and the energy produced has to go somewhere and do something. So the more energy you feed it, the tighter it clings to you, and the more power it has over you.

What you resist persists. And only what you look at, and own, can disappear. You make it disappear by simply changing your mind about it.


1. Non-resistance simply means choosing to accept a problem not as a mountain, but as a manageable hill that you’re capable of resolving. You don’t need to like the situation, but accept it as your own.

2. Rather than focusing on how you feel about the problem, detach yourself from it, so you can be free to do what’s necessary.

3. Stop trying to push the problem away. Let it be, and accept its presence while you’re doing what you can to resolve it. This doesn’t mean giving in without a fight, but take your fight to the solution–not the problem.

When you meet obstacles with gratitude, your perception starts to shift, resistance loses its power, and grace finds a home within you.

Instead of an attitude that says to the problem, “Pull up a chair and have a seat. I’ll feed you enough energy to keep you around for a long time”, talk to your feelings with understanding and compassion. Then as you assume an attitude of confidence and gratitude, feel a welcome shift inside, and ask the problem what you need to learn from it for your personal growth. It’s there to teach you, and it won’t leave until you’ve learned, sometimes only on a subconscious level. Maybe the lesson is as simple as learning how to peacefully resolve problems.

Our journey is a series of glider rides and river rapids, and it’s not always easy. But learn to enjoy the rides, and concentrate on the paddles when the rapids get rough. Practice non-resistance, do what’s yours to do, and grow through it bigger than you were before.


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