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The Greeks have given us one of the most beautiful words of our language: Enthusiasm. The word enthusiasm translates to “a God within.” Within you is an infinite passionate soul that wishes to express itself. It’s the God within you, urging you to fulfill a deep sense of what you were meant to be. All of our acts are measured by the inspiration from which they originate. When our acts spring from our enthusiasm, from the God within us, we’ll feel the passion we were intended to feel and live.

The beauty of feeling passionate and enthusiastic is the glorious feeling of joy and cheerfulness that comes along with it.

When we’re enthusiastic, nothing seems difficult. When we have passion, there are no risks: family dramas become meaningless, money isn’t an issue, we know that we have the strength and the smarts, and the rules laid down by others have no bearing on us whatsoever. That’s because we’re answering our calling—and the we who is doing the answering is the highest part of us, or the God within.

The presence of passion within us is the greatest gift we can receive. And when it’s aligned with Spirit, treat it as a miracle, doing everything we can to hold on to it.

Our enthusiasm seems to cause our world to endlessly offer us cooperative, co-creating experiences. We’re willing and eager, and not just about our achievement—we feel the same way about staying in shape, enjoying our family, giving a lecture, or whatever it may be. If we have passion, there is no need for excuses, because our enthusiasm will trump any negative reasoning us might come up with. Enthusiasm makes excuses a non issue. When we seek the presence of our creative Spirit and are filled with passion about virtually everything we undertake, we’ll successfully remove the roadblocks from our life and enjoy the active presence of Spirit.

Laxshmi is sharing with us her experience:

How for me family drama became meaningless.

A few days back was stuck in my ideology of relationship. That was creating lot of stress in me. Suddenly I realized that I am not honoring the present moment by allowing it to be, I am creating drama.

With this I also felt that relationships in which addiction is present provide fertile soil for the seeds of drama. At the core of many addictive patterns is what’s referred to as “a hole in the soul,” one eager to be filled with substances and behaviors. Drama fits perfectly in that empty space. It’s borne of unhappiness with life.

Immediately with this new insight I drop my ideology of relationship. I drop my metal laziness not to try new ways to see and experience the relationship.

Certain joy aries in me. With my change in thoughts I found  when I drop my expectations of people and look into their hearts, it’s easier to live in peace and for gratitude to flow.

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.


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