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Just as light brightens darkness, discovering inner fulfillment can eliminate any disorder or discomfort. This is truly the key to creating balance and harmony in everything you do.

“Being and non-being produce each other. Difficult and easy complement each other. Long and short define each other. High and low oppose each other. Fore and aft follow each other,” says the Chinese enlightened mystic Lao Tzu describing the intrinsic harmony between polar opposites. There is no fight or struggle between them; they support each other.

The wise knows that life depends on opposites and creates its own balance. This dynamic balance is related to the complementary nature of opposites. China’s indigenous religion, Taoism, talks of this balance in terms of yin and yang, represented graphically as two intertwining fish — one black, one white. Everything in the universe is either yin (female) or yang (male) in nature. Yin and yang breathe meaning into each other, one cannot exist without the other. You cannot talk of light without its absence or opposite, darkness. Action takes off from repose.

Once you know this secret alchemy of using the opposite, the contradictory, you are free. Otherwise you create inner imprisonments.

To a degree Balance and flexibility get demonstrated in all activities that one does.

Yet for each of us the point of balance is different. For Usain Bolt who holds the world record for 100 mts the point of balance will be very different from my point of balance since I run much slower. Thus we all have to find our own balance.

Balance and flexibility go hand in hand. It means that I can’t be rigid in my pursuit of balance.

Let Vikrant take this opportunity to share his experience:

When I started my career in hotel operations I soon realized that I was in the wrong place. But quitting and going was not the solution. I decided I must give it a fair chance and only then take a call.

Today when I look back I realize that what Buddha says about right action I could do that – right action means when one is not in hurry to take any action but give enough time to alien with the existence, then only taking any action. All one’s thoughts and actions are fully in accord with all the laws of nature. They are “right” actions, because they are appropriate to the time and circumstances and  support evolution at every level of creation. One’s actions may or may not follow logic, because the impulse for natural behaviour springs from a level which is beyond logic. One simply acts in a natural, easy manner and the cosmic intelligence operating within unbounded awareness automatically produces action that is in harmony with nature.

When even after a year in the field I still did not like it I decided to change my line.

Yet this shows how it was a balanced decision and also the flexibility to take corrective actions.


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