VBT – Week’s Meditation 9

Become The Sucking

Osho gave this method to one man. He had tried many things; he had tried many, many methods. Then he came to me, so I asked him, “If I give you only one thing to choose in the whole world, what are you going to choose?” And I told him immediately to close his eyes and tell me, and not think about it. He became afraid, hesitant, so I told him, “Do not be afraid, do not be hesitant. Be frank and tell me.”

He said, “This is absurd, but a breast appears before me.”

And then he began to feel guilty, so I(Osho) said, “Do not feel guilty. Nothing is wrong with a breast; it is one of the most beautiful things, so why be guilty?”

But he said, “This has always been an obsession with me.” And he said to me, “Please tell me first, then you can proceed with your method and the technique: first tell me why I am so much interested in the breasts of women? Whenever I look at a woman, the first thing I see is the breast. The whole body is secondary.”

And it is not so only with him, it is so with everyone – with almost everyone. And it is natural, because the breast of the mother was the first acquaintance with the universe. It is basic. The first contact with the universe was the mother’s breast. That is why breasts are so appealing. They look beautiful; they attract, they have a magnetic force. That magnetic force comes from your unconscious. That was the first thing with which you came in contact, and the contact was lovely, it felt beautiful. It gives you food, instant vitality, love, everything. The contact was soft, receptive, inviting. It has remained so in the mind of man.

So I(Osho) told that man, “Now I will give you the method.” And this was the method I gave him, to suck something and become the sucking. I told him, “Just close your eyes. Imagine your mother’s breasts or anybody’s breasts that you like. Imagine, and start sucking as if there is a real breast. Start sucking.” He started sucking. Within three days he was sucking so fast, so madly, he became so much enchanted by it. He told me, “It has become a problem – I want to suck the whole day. And it is so beautiful, and such deep silence is created by it.”

Within three months the sucking became a very, very silent gesture. The lips stopped, you couldn’t even have judged that he was doing something. But inner sucking had started. He was sucking the whole day. It became a mantra, a JAPA – a mantra repetition.

After three months he came to me and said, “Something strange is happening to me. Something sweet is falling from my head onto my tongue continuously. And it is so sweet and so energy filling that I do not need any food, there is no hunger left. Eating has become just a formality. I take something in order not to create any problems in the family. But something is continuously coming to me. It is so sweet, life-giving.”

I(Osho) told him to continue. Three months more, and one day he came just mad, dancing to me, and he said, “Sucking has disappeared, but I am a different man. I am no longer the same man who had come to you. Some door has opened within me. Something has broken and there is no desire left. Now I do not want anything – not even God, not even MOKSHA – liberation. I do not want anything. Now everything is okay as it is. I accept it and I am blissful.”

Try this. Just suck something and become the sucking. It may be helpful to many because it is so basic.


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