Gasan instructed his adherents one day: “Those who speak against killing and who desire to spare the lives of all conscious beings are right. It is good to protect even animals and insects.

But what about those persons who kill time, what about those who are destroying wealth, and those who destroy political economy? We should not overlook them. Furthermore, what of the one who preaches without enlightenment? He is killing Buddhism.”

Be Creative

Gasan Jōseki is (1275–23 November 1366) was a Japanese Soto Zen master.

When he was addressing his followers he that – Those who speak against killing and who desire to spare the lives of all conscious beings are right. It is good to protect even animals and insects. – everyone will agree on this. Because it appeals to mind. Someone is non-violent, who are conscious they have right to live their life, also the animals, birds and insects we can spare their life as they have not brought any potential to grow in the consciousness.

But when the question comes for the people – those persons who kill time, what about those who are destroying wealth, and those who destroy political economy? We should not overlook them. Furthermore, what of the one who preaches without enlightenment? He is killing Buddhism – our mind will not agree to spare them.

This is because we have certain criteria and judgement to live life. If it doesn’t fulfil then we are ready to kill them. First of all when we want to kill them it’s a reflection of our violence, our unconsciousness. We also have become dead.

According to Gasan, they are already dead. As a human being we have brought seed of consciousness with us. We have a body of human beings and nature of animals. Unless we utilize our time for growing into the consciousness we are just wasting and killing our time. Not only wealth but we are destroying all the available resources.

To such a person who himself is unconscious, is already dead. If you will kill him you are reducing yourself by killing him. You are becoming unconscious towards yourself. You are becoming violent.

Now science is finding various ways to treat such person differently. As through their own research they found out that if you are angry you can become calm down if you focus on breath, so they are trying to treat such people differently. To the children instead of punishing them for their behaviour or temperament or for any other violent act they ask them to wait after the school and ask them to do yoga, pranayama etc.

I am not saying about Buddha but we as a human being if someone is not conscious as we are, find out the solution that how they can become self-conscious. Instead of judging them, forget about killing them but don’t have any judgement for anyone and with your own wisdom be innovative and creative with such person.

Learning from the story They Are Dead: Be Creative

Experience Learning

To be creative means we need to drop all our judgements of the mind. Judgements are the biggest obstacle to our creativity.

Non-judgment quiets the internal dialogue, and this opens once again the doorway to creativity.

The Hidden Cost of Judgment:

Not every person gets to the point in their lives when they question the value of judging others. After all, society depends upon a healthy regard for the difference between right and wrong. Many people, perhaps the vast majority, are content with a system where rules are meant to be obeyed, lawbreakers are punished, and so on. But the justice system is not the whole of life.

Blame is the projection of guilt.

Us-versus-them thinking is destructive to both sides of the equation.

How would you label such thoughts? If you are a rigid adherent to “an eye for an eye,” these insights are corrosive; they must be rejected to keep your black-and-white moral code intact. But there’s a reason, despite the intricacies and cruelties of the system of law, why the spiritual side of our nature is attracted to non-judgment. We want to love and be loved. At a deeper level, we realize that all suffering is ultimately related to self-judgment. Seeing yourself as fallen from grace, you feel justified in treating everyone else as fallen, to one degree or another.

Yet at a certain, highly unpredictable point, the urge arises to move beyond self-judgment, and when that urge arises, the need to judge against others begins to decrease. There is an evolutionary impulse in everyone, or so the world’s wisdom traditions teach us. We believe in our higher or better selves. We want to reconnect with the soul. The selfish demands of the ego wear us down and begin to seem pointless. Whatever the trigger, moving beyond judgment is evolutionary. a breakthrough is possible, after which a path opens up. 

Walking this path transforms the entire person, over a period of time, and leads to many stages of realization. At one stage you may want to rebel against rules and authority. That can be a satisfying stance, but eventually it is seen as untenable. At another stage you may feel humbled and therefore more judgmental against yourself than ever before. that, too, is just a stage. Ahead lie various roles we attempt to play – martyr, saint, ascetic, child of God, child of Nature, etc. It would be too ironic to judge against any of these steps in personal growth; they are convincing while they last and rather empty once they are finished. Whatever the way stations that you experience on the path, the goal isn’t the role you play; it’s fulfillment within yourself. 

Fulfillment is all-inclusive, which is why it is often labeled as unity consciousness. You exclude nothing form of your being; there is a common thread running through you and everyone else. At that point, when empathy is effortless, you have succeeded in something that is at once very desirable and very rare. You have transcended the war between good and evil, darkness and the light. Only in that state does the war end, and the perplexing issues around judgment are solved at last. Short of complete fulfillment within yourself, you cannot help but participate in duality, because the entire play of right and wrong, good and bad, darkness and light, depends upon self-division. Your ego will persist until the very end in labeling A as good and B as bad, for the simple reason that duality requires choices. As long as you prefer one thing over another, a mechanism will sneak in that says “If I like it, it must be good. If I don’t like it, it must be bad.”

Fortunately, even as the game of judgment keeps society running smoothly, constantly dictating our likes and dislikes, loves, and hates, human beings are born to transcend. We can go beyond the setup of society, the ego and judgment itself. In that innate capacity for seeking the higher self, every hope and promise offered by the world’s great spiritual teachers rest.


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