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The acid test for Be Unreasonable:

Here is an acid test for your dream: if most people agree with you that your dream is achievable and that it is reasonable, chances are it is not worth dreaming about. If, on the other hand, when you tell people your dream they look at you like you are a case in the fruitcake sanitarium, or locally we would say a “Chainama” case, then you are probably on the right track. Do not be limited by an inability to see beyond your present circumstances. Do not be controlled by your senses.

Understand The Inside-Out Paradigm:

As a dreamer, you must realise that life is lived from the inside-out and not from the outside-in. It all starts in the mind. That is the real battlefield of life. That is where the war is raging. If you can create your ideal life in your mind and live that life like a reality everyday in your mind, you have won the battle. It will have no choice but to manifest itself in the physical.

Success, riches, happiness, fulfillment, recognition and all, do not come as a surprise to dreamers when they get those things – because they have been living it in their minds all along. It had to happen. The physical world cannot resist the spiritual and mental world. In the hierarchy of life it was designed so. One has to obey the other. The physical has to obey the spiritual and mental.

The spiritual and mental aspects of a man are limitless, boundless, free in every respect and more powerful than we could ever understand. They are unreasonable and senseless.

Let Narendra tell you once of the incidence of his life. When I was reasonable with me how badly I faced my failure.

Always be unreasonable, if you want to achieve something in your life. As I learned and inspire from my own mistakes and failures. I would like to share one experience of my college days, I got just relaxed after completion of my first year college examination. The summer vacation was about to finish and I was eagerly waiting for the results to come but what I had seen on display board was very unexpected and shocking news for me. I was failed in 3 subjects. It was because when the preparation time was there I was so relaxed and thought that if I am relaxed then I will be able to give my exam in joyful manner. Yes that time I was relaxed but the effort of preparation was not there. I was reading many books that if you are relaxed then you will be more effective in your work. I took that word literally and was not ready to put any effort for examination. I was finding funny that when other friends of mine were under the pressure of exam I was so relaxed. But result has shown that my focus was not on the exam but on my laziness, procrastination and overconfidence. While all my friends were focusing on the preparation. Definitely their body was tired and mind was on the exam and preparation for it. I realized that because of my mental laziness how wrongly I took my reading. I took for my convenience, I took that reading to run away from my responsibility. That gave me real jerk and  Then after I never ever got failed in my graduation days but completed the graduation and even post graduation with first class marks. So it was self learning lesson for me throughout my life. So it’s truly said to be unreasonable will lead to succeed forever.


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