Buddha was once threatened with death by a bandit called Angulimal.

“Then be good enough to fulfill my dying wish,” said Buddha. “Cut off the branch of that tree.”

One slash of the sword, and it was done! “What now?” asked the bandit.

“Put it back again,” said Buddha.

The bandit laughed. “You must be crazy to think that anyone can do that.”

“On the contrary, it is you who are crazy to think that you are mighty because you can wound and destroy. That is the task of children. The mighty know how to create and heal,” said Buddha

Choose Wisely

Ask yourself after reading the story what is the difference between me and Buddha. We and Buddha have got everything similar – body, circumstances, environment and last but not the least Godliness or Emptiness within us. With the similarity in everything still when we act and when Buddha act it’s difference. Difference is of only one thing – Buddha Transcend everything and we don’t. Buddha live from his interiority and we don’t.

Before taking any action Buddha Turn In – he directs his body to act. He is not eager or in a hurry to act even when Death is standing in front of him.

From your own life recollect incidence still you repent that you have missed the opportunity to act from your Love. You were in a hurry to act so your action was from certain judgements. Even though same Godliness which is available to Buddha and you, you have not even bother to see what is available with you and who you are. With little bit of unconscious of what is available with us we miss opportunity to act from our Godliness.

We are always looking outward for everything. So we are Bagger and Buddha look inward so he is Emperor. When Buddha act – because he first look inside what is available with him and how to act from them he is always ready to give something. It is not the question of money or love but his being is presented in his action. In our action our being is absent. We present all the things of the objective world and use our judgements to act. Judgements are also given to us from the objective world. So our focus is on what we can receive from others. As our focus is what we can receive from others we are baggers. Buddha’s focus is to present his being in his action so he is giver and Emperor.

When you look back in your life you will realize that how much energy we spend on repenting. Same energy can become happiness and joy instead of repentance. This is in simple language is Transcendance. If we act from our interiority we become give at the end of the act we are calm and happy and if we act from objective world we repent and there will be anxiety and hyperness in us.

Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.

Learning from the story Dying Wish: Choose Wisely

Experience Learning

How we can learned Self-Mastery to Choose wisely.

Mastery is usually defined as be highly skilled or proficient in one or more areas of life. Self-Mastery takes this to its highest level. To be the Master of your own Self is to fully understand who you really are. It is a discovery of the Guru within, the inner guiding Light. It means taking full responsibility for your own life. Mastery in this sense doesn’t mean to control in a negative way; it’s the realization that you are the Universe, and that you and everything around you flows harmoniously together in the magnificent dance of your own creation.

The true Yogi is a master of everything in his or her life, so Self-Mastery becomes the foundation for Spiritual Mastery. The first step is to become conscious of who you are and then you can master the gifts and talents that you have. Like your spiritual practice, the path of Self-Mastery unfolds throughout your life. It is an internal and self-directed journey, whose progress only you can determine.

The key to mastery in anything is practice; the more you practice, the more proficient you become. The term “spiritual practice” doesn’t only denote what you do but also implies the necessity of regularity. Without practice and dedication, there can be no mastery. As everything is a projection of the Self, you could practice and become a master of anything. By becoming a master of all the different areas of life, you would ultimately gain Self-Mastery. This, however, would be a long process. The shortcut is to go directly for the Self. By becoming a master of that which controls everything, you spontaneously become a master of everything. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi used to say, “Capture the fort and all the territory will be yours”. This is the victory of Self-Mastery.

Self-Mastery also requires patience, truthfulness, purity, impeccability, and faith. The patience to accept what is and to know when to allow things to unfold in their own time. To be true not only in your words and actions but to be honest with yourself. To be pure in your lifestyle through a healthy diet, regular exercise, and good sleep. To be the best you can in all you do, with humility and respect. To have faith in the path you have chosen, faith in your teachers and faith in your ability to be masterful.


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