Unconditional Trust – In Gita Verse 17.3 O son of Bharata, according to one’s existence under the various modes of nature, one evolves a particular kind of faith. The living being is said to be of a particular faith according to the modes he has acquired.

In Bhagavad Gita Verse 17.3, Krishna delves into the profound realisation that an individual’s faith is intricately intertwined with the diverse modes of nature inherent within them. The very quality of one’s faith is akin to a reflection of the modes they have assimilated, underscoring the imperative need to transcend mere faith and elevate it to the pinnacle of Unconditional Trust. It is crucial to discern between trust and belief, for belief often acts as a mental veil to shield doubts, while doubt itself is a natural element of the human psyche, a divine gift from the Almighty.

Upon contemplation of this profound verse, it becomes apparent that faith lacking a foundation in goodness remains susceptible to the sway of material influences. The tainted material modes infiltrate the heart, moulding and sculpting one’s faith in accordance with their dominance. A person’s faith becomes firmly rooted in the prevailing mode of material nature that reigns supreme within their heart. Strengthening and solidifying this faith necessitates the cultivation of Unconditional Trust, acting as an unwavering pillar amidst the ever-changing forces of material nature.

Krishna emphasises the importance of trust and how it plays a vital role in our growth and well-being. Trust in the universe ensures that one’s needs will be met at the right time, without any delay. Trust allows us to understand that existence is supportive and caring, providing for us in ways we may not even realise. It eliminates worries and insecurities, offering a sense of peace and assurance.

However, it is essential to note that trust must be unconditional. If trust is solely based on external factors or beings, it may falter when faced with challenges or obstacles. The foundation of trust should be rooted within oneself, as you are the closest embodiment of existence. Trusting in yourself forms the core of genuine trust, allowing it to remain unwavering regardless of external circumstances.

Through introspection and self-awareness, one can cultivate a deep sense of trust within themselves. This trust is not built on mere belief, which can be fleeting, but on genuine understanding and connection with one’s inner essence. It requires inner exploration, meditation, and self-reflection to tap into the pure waters of trust hidden within.

Krishna’s teachings highlight the significance of cultivating trust within oneself as a transformative process that reshapes perceptions and relationships with the world. This internal trust fosters an unwavering faith in existence, reducing the influence of external factors on one’s inner sense of security and belief.

The journey towards trust commences internally, acknowledging the inherent truth, divinity, and beauty within each individual. By nurturing this seed of trust, one can grow into a resilient pillar of faith, remaining steadfast amidst external changes and challenges.

Embracing this comprehensive approach to trust, with the self at its core, can lead to a profound reorientation in how we navigate life’s uncertainties and intricacies. Self-Trust serves as the foundation for developing a lasting and steadfast belief in the benevolence of existence.

Initiating this journey from the primary wellspring within yourself is essential, recognising your essence as the fundamental reality and existence. Within you resides the essence of truth, divinity, and sublime beauty encapsulated by the Sanskrit phrase “Satyam, Shivam, Sundram.” Nurturing this inner essence will cultivate a flourishing tree, branching out in all directions and blossoming with myriad flowers. 

Krishna underscores that the true origin lies within you, and initiating from your innermost self is crucial to avoid wayward beginnings.


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