VBT – Meditation 51.2

Be Happy And Be Aware

Awareness and Relaxation Are Almost Two Sides of the Same Coin

Relaxation has always been one of the most valuable states of being. Watchfulness seems to be possible only then, or at least so much easier. 

Then the question is – How relaxation is connected to awareness?

They are not only connected with each other, they are almost two sides of the same coin. You cannot separate them. Either you can begin with  awareness and then you will find yourself relaxing…because what is your tension? – Your identification with all kinds of thoughts, fears, death, bankruptcy, the dollar going down…! All kinds of fears are there. These are your tensions. They also affect your body. Your body also becomes tense because body and mind are not two separate entities. Body-mind is a single system, so when the mind becomes tense, the body becomes tense.

You can start with awareness; then awareness takes you away from the mind and the identifications with the mind. Naturally, the body starts relaxing; you are no longer attached. Tensions cannot exist in the light of awareness.

You can start from the other end also. Just relax…let all tensions drop…and as you relax you will be surprised that a certain awareness is arising in you. They are inseparable. But to start from awareness is easier; to start with relaxation is a little difficult, because even the effort to relax creates a certain tension.

Hence, in the East we have never started meditation from relaxation; we have started meditation from awareness. Then relaxation comes on its own accord, you don’t have to bring it – because if you have to bring it there will be a certain tension. It should come on its own; then only will it be pure relaxation. And it comes.

You Are Awareness

Real awareness remains with you; you need not cling to it. Who will cling to it? You are awareness. Who will cling to whom? In awareness there are not two – the clinger and the object of clinging; in awareness you are one. There is only awareness and nothing else. One cannot cling to awareness. But it is bound to happen if you reject the mind; the very first step has gone wrong. Don’t reject it – understand it.

Be more alert, aware, but don’t cling to it. Clinging will destroy the whole beauty of it. Why cling? What is the fear? We cling only out of fear. You are awareness, you cannot lose it. Even now, when you are unaware of the fact that you are awareness, you have not lost it.

Truth cannot be lost. Whether you know it or you know not, it makes no difference. The truth remains the truth, known or unknown. Your innermost being is still pure awareness. You live on the circumference, hence you are not able to see your own center.


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