Meeting Of Consciousness – In Gita Verse 18.58 If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditioned life by My grace. If, however, you do not work in such consciousness but act through false ego, not hearing Me, you will be lost.

In Bhagavad Gita Verse 18.58, Krishna emphasises the importance of becoming conscious of Him to overcome the obstacles of conditioned life through His grace. He warns that acting through false ego and ignoring His words leads to destruction and corruption. This destruction signifies a meaningless life, similar to many past lives that were wasted. However, if one listens and surrenders, life becomes meaningful and prosperous, avoiding destruction.

Krishna’s message is clear: ego is a significant barrier, and surrendering it leads to a deeper understanding of life. On the day one relinquishes ego and becomes receptive, life gains true meaning. This understanding transcends the need for religious texts like the Gita or the Quran because the essence of these scriptures begins to resonate within. Krishna resides within each individual, and the teachings of the Gita can be reborn from this inner connection. The key to this transformation is dedication, with ego being the primary obstacle.

When Krishna speaks of not hearing Him, He refers not merely to ignoring His words but to failing to attune to one’s inner consciousness. Becoming conscious of Him involves listening to this inner sound, which aligns one’s consciousness with Krishna’s, culminating in the meeting of consciousness. This alignment signifies a profound connection where one’s inner awareness harmonises with the divine consciousness, fostering a deeper spiritual understanding and unity with Krishna.

To facilitate this inner listening, meditation techniques can be employed. One such technique is finding silence in the centre of sound. By closing your eyes and imagining the universe filled with sound, you can visualise yourself as the centre where all sounds converge. This perspective brings deep peace, as the universe becomes the circumference, and you become the silent centre.

The centre, being without sound, allows you to hear sounds. A sound cannot perceive another sound; thus, the centre’s silence enables the perception of sounds entering and surrounding you. By identifying this centre within, where sounds are heard, you can experience a sudden shift in consciousness. Initially, you hear the world’s sounds, but as your awareness turns inward, you enter a state of soundlessness and connect with the core of life.

Avoid analysing the sounds as good or bad. Instead, focus on being the centre where all sounds converge. Sounds are not heard by the ears alone; the ears transmit selected sounds to a deeper centre within you. Discover this centre, as it is not located in the ears but somewhere deep inside. The ears merely transmit sounds, but the true hearing happens at this inner centre.

As you delve deeper into your inner silence, all sounds acquire a unique quality, like distant echoes. This realisation often occurs in a relaxed, unoccupied state of mind, akin to a natural meditative state.

Experiencing the inner sound leads to the dissolution of thoughts. Try this technique: pull up the rectum and press your fingers into your ears. This action halts the constant flow of thoughts, creating a sense of mental stillness. Practising this several times a day can lead to mastery within a few months, resulting in a profound sense of well-being.

Once the inner sound is heard, it remains with you throughout the day. Even amidst external noise, such as in a market or traffic, the inner sound persists as a still, small voice. This inner sound shields you from external disturbances, maintaining your inner silence regardless of external chaos.

Krishna’s teaching is that hearing the inner sound dissolves obstacles and false ego, bridging the gap between you and your divine nature. This awareness leads to a consciousness of the Universal Self, which is Krishna Himself.


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