VBT – Meditation 108.1

Just Move

This sutra is for that inner guide. THIS CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE SPIRIT OF GUIDANCE OF EACH ONE. BE THIS ONE. Don’t think with the head. Really, don’t think at all. Just move. Try it in some situations. It will be difficult, because the old habit will be to start thinking. You will have to be alert: not to think, but to feel inwardly what is coming to the mind. You may be confused many times because you will not be able to know whether it is coming from the inner guide or from the surface of the mind. But soon you will know the feeling, the difference.

When something comes from the inner, it comes from your navel upwards. You can feel the flow, the warmth, coming from the navel upwards. Whenever your mind thinks, it is just on the surface, in the head, and then it goes down. If your mind decided something, then you have to force it down. If your inner guide decides, then something bubbles up in you. It comes from the deep core of your being towards the mind. The mind receives it, but it is not of the mind. It comes from beyond – and that is why the mind is scared about it. For reason it is reliable because it comes from behind – without any reason with it, without any proof. It simply bubbles up.

Try it in certain situations. For example, you have lost your path in a forest. Try it. Don’t think – just close your eyes, sit down, be meditative, and don’t think. Because it is futile – how can you think?

You don’t know. But thinking has become such a habit that you go on thinking even in moments when nothing can come out of it. Thinking can think only about something which is already known.

You are lost in a forest, you don’t have any map, there is nobody you can ask. What are you thinking about? But still you think. That thinking will be just a worry, not thinking. And the more you get worried, the less the inner guide can be competent.

Be unworried. Sit down under a tree, and just allow thoughts to drop and subside. Just wait, don’t think. Don’t create the problem, just wait. And when you feel a moment of non-thinking has come, then stand up and start moving. Wheresoever your body moves, allow it to move. You just be a witness. Don’t interfere. The lost path can be found very easily. But the only condition is, “Don’t interfere with the mind.”

This has happened many times unknowingly. Great scientists say that whenever a great discovery has been made, it was never made by the mind; it was always made by the inner guide.

Madame Curie was trying and trying to solve a mathematical problem. She did her best, all that was possible. Then she got fed up. For days together, weeks together, she had been working and nothing had come out. She was feeling just mad. No path was leading to the solution. Then one night, just exhausted, she fell down and slept. And in the night, in a dream, the conclusion bubbled up. She was so concerned with the conclusion that the dream was broken, she awoke. Immediately she wrote down the conclusion – because there was no process in the dream, just a conclusion.

She wrote it down on a pad and then slept again. In the morning she was puzzled; the conclusion was right, but she didn’t know how it had been achieved. There was no process, no method. Then she tried to find the process; now it was an easier affair because the conclusion was in the hand, and it is easy to go back from the conclusion. She won the Nobel Prize because of this dream – but she always wondered how it happened.


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