Ancient Wisdom In Modern Time Session: 37 - Dwarkadhish Holistic Centre

Karma Chakra

  1. Birth, Life and Circumstance: Birth, Life, and Circumstance are indeed not in our control. They are like the given notes in a piece of music. You did not choose the beginning, but the music that you make out of those notes is entirely your creation. This is where your freedom lies.
    • Life is the canvas of experience, coloured by our actions, thoughts, and the essence of our being.
    • Circumstance is the crossroads of fate and free will, challenging us to awaken to our potential.
    • These elements are the soil, rich and fertile, from which we can cultivate the flower of consciousness.
  2. 5 Kleshas: The 5 Kleshas: Recognise them as the five afflictions that cloud the true nature of the self. They are not just spiritual ignorance but a spectrum of misidentifications and attachments. Know them, understand them. By understanding, one can begin to dissolve them.
    • Humans can see Kleshas as obstacles to overcome, turning them into gateways for enlightenment.
    • These five afflictions weave the chains that bind us to the wheel of Samsara.
    • Through awareness, we can dissolve these veils and step into the light of pure consciousness.
  3. Karma Chakra: The Karma Chakra encapsulates our repetitive ways of being alongside our potential for spiritual development. Recognising that the past is unchangeable, it is within our power to respond anew in the present, creating ripples that will sculpt our destiny.
    • Karma Chakra is the wheel that turns unceasingly, moved by the force of our actions.
    • Each revolution marks a cycle of cause and effect, of decision and consequence.
    • It spins with the energy of our deeds, both virtuous and otherwise, propelling our soul’s journey.

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