Uncovering Buddha’s 5th Fold

  1. Giving: Do Your Best in Every Act
    • Remain in the world, act in the world, do whatsoever is needful, and yet remain transcendental, aloof, detached, a lotus flower in the pond.
    • We are all a connected whole, interrelated, one organism. Hence it can be said, as a conclusion: Become richer in every dimension.
    • Be creative, be loving, be meditative, and share. And the more you share, the more existence will shower on you flowers of blissfulness and ecstasy.
  2. Emptiness: The inner emptiness itself is the mystery.
    • You cannot feel it and you cannot know it. You become it. You are it. When the inner space is there, then you are not.
    • Negative emptiness is loneliness. You miss the presence of something or somebody. You are not enjoying the purity of aloneness. You are trying to fill it with greed.
    • Never withdraw yourself to take any actions. At the same time remember a few things, never take or give any help but always seek support. In the process you do not carry the past incomplete. You will carry completion so there will be Joy.
  3. Nothingness: Nothingness can either be just emptiness or it can be a tremendous fullness.
    • Nothingness is the fragrance of the beyond. It is the opening of the heart to the transcendental. It is the unfoldment of the no-self.
    • You will have to go into your own aloneness, into your own subjectivity, into the very center of your being where nothing moves and everything is absolutely still.
    • Nothingness is simply no-thingness. Things disappear, only the ultimate substance remains. Forms disappear, only the formless remains. Definitions disappear, the undefined remains.
  4. Intelligence Is Creative: Intellect is logical, intelligence is paradoxical. Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence.
    • Creative intelligence, or experiential intelligence, is the ability to invent solutions to new problems. It often requires thinking in unique or unusual ways, sometimes in collaboration with others, but also on your own.
    • As we are, we are recognised through our identity. Unless we create who we are, that is intelligence. Any artist is not as creative as we create ourselves. Cleaning a floor can be a tremendously creative act. Remember, creativity has nothing to do with any particular work.
  5. Coincidence: To believe in coincidence is a kind of escapism. It is a trick to ignore a fact, to erase a fact from your remembrance, to somehow explain it away.
    • One cannot escape from oneself. There is no other way but to live life.
    • Escaping is an act of cowardliness, because you could not face the situation. You could not find enough guts to encounter whatever was the situation. Religion is courage, it is not cowardice. Be brave in facing the world – and whatever you want to be in the end, be from the very beginning.
  6. Buddha’s 5th Fold Right Relation: Relationship means something complete, finished, closed. Love is never a relationship; love is relating.
    • Drop expectation in relation.
    • To Relate to Another Is to Be a Mirror
    • Respect, love, worship – because each person is a hidden face of the divine.
    • Let every person feel that the meeting with you is a gift; just being with you something starts flowing, growing, some songs start arising in the heart, some flowers start opening.

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