Enlightenment – In Gita Verse 4.19 One is understood to be in full knowledge whose every endeavor is devoid of desire for sense gratification. He is said by sages to be a worker for whom the reactions of work have been burned up by the fire of perfect knowledge.

Krishna is saying that unless you are totally free from desire to take action, don’t act. Like in my Bhagavad Gita Verse 4.18, blog I wrote how Tantra is transcending action into inaction.

Let’s see the Tao’s approach also for how without any desire we can act.

Tao has a different approach – Tao means let go. Wherever your energy moves, allow it to move. Don’t swim – float with the river. Swimming is a technique – if you are just flowing with the river what technique is needed? Technique means that you have a direction, you want to reach somewhere. Technique means that you want to impose your will on reality, you want to be someone. somewhere, in some state; you have a desire, you have a projection.

Tao says you are already there, you are already that. There is nowhere to go and nothing else to be, so just relax and let things happen. And whatsoever happens is good – because there is no denial in Tao, no rejection, no repression. It is the greatest rebellious attitude possible. Never has man’s intelligence risen higher than in Tao. But there is no way – to it. You cannot be guided to it.

Tao means let go. Wherever your energy moves, allow it to move. Don’t swim – float with the river. Swimming is a technique – if you are just flowing with the river what technique is needed? Technique means that you have a direction, you want to reach somewhere. Technique means that you want to impose your will on reality, you want to be someone, somewhere, in some state; you have a desire, you have a projection.

Tao says you are already there, you are already that. There is nowhere to go and nothing else to be, so just relax and let things happen. And whatsoever happens is good – because there is no denial in Tao, no rejection, no repression. It is the greatest rebellious attitude possible. Never has man’s intelligence risen higher than in Tao. But there is no way – to it. You cannot be guided to it.

Tao has its own tantra. The first thing: Tao never divides into the lower and the higher, that is the beauty of it. The moment you divide reality into the lower and the higher you are getting schizophrenic. The moment you say something is sacred and something is profane you have divided. The moment you say something is material and something is spiritual you have divided, you have split reality. Reality is one. There is neither matter nor spirit. Reality is one. It expresses itself in many forms: on one level as matter, on another level as spiritual. The spiritual is not higher and the material is not lower – they stand on the same level. That is the Taoist attitude. Life is one. Existence is one. It is a tremendous one-ness and there is no evaluation.

The first thing in Tao is to drop duality. Sex is not lower and samadhi is not higher. Samadhi and sex are both expressions of the same energy. There is nothing laudable about samadhi and there is nothing condemnable about sex. The Tao acceptance is total, absolute. There is nothing wrong about the body and there is nothing beautiful about the spirit – they are both beautiful. Devil and God are one in Tao, heaven and hell are one in Tao, good and bad are one in Tao – it is the greatest non-dual understanding. There is no condemnation and no preparation. To prepare for what? One has simply to relax and be.

If you can love a woman spontaneously…. In fact, Tao will say that Tantra has a wrong attitude, because you have to prepare. Preparation means that you are preparing for the future. Tao knows only one time – which is now; and only one place – which is here. Now is the only time and here is the only place. Here is heaven and now is nirvana. So don’t prepare.

Depends upon individual nature, feminine or masculine. If your nature is feminine then adopt Tao’s approach, if your nature is masculine, adopt the Tantra method. I am talking regarding nature and not the body. You may be male and have feminine nature and you may be female and have masculine nature. Both the methods are good but what suits you, practice that to act from desireless.

Basic thing is to take action without desire, learn that, practice it.

Krishna says unless one’s action is desireless they cannot gain perfect knowledge, Enlightenment.


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