VBT – How to Choose Technique 000.1

Changing The Mind

Tantra is not concerned with your so-called morality, your social formalities, etc. That doesn’t mean that tantra says to be immoral – no! Tantra is so much unconcerned with your morality that tantra cannot say to be immoral. Tantra gives you scientific techniques for changing the mind, and once the mind is different your character will be different. Once the basis of your structure changes, your whole edifice will be different. Because of this amoral attitude, tantra could not be tolerated by your so-called saints, they all went against it – because if tantra succeeds, then all this nonsense which goes on in the name of religion will have to stop.

See this: Christianity fought very much against scientific progress. Why? Only because if scientific progress is there in the material world, then the time is not very far off when in the psychological and in the spiritual world also science will penetrate. So Christianity started fighting scientific progress, because once you know that you can change matter through technique, the time is not very far off when you will come to know that you can change mind through techniques – because mind is nothing but subtle matter.

This is tantra’s proposition, that mind is nothing but subtle matter; it can be changed. And once you have a different mind you have a different world, because you look through the mind. The world you are seeing, you are seeing because of a particular mind. Change the mind, and when you look there is a different world. And if there is no mind… that is the ultimate for tantra, to bring about a state where there is no mind. Then look at the world without a mediator. When the mediator is not, you are encountering the real, because now no one is between you and the real. Then nothing can be distorted.

So tantra says that when there is no mind, that is the state of a Bhairava – a no-mind state. For the first time you look at the world, at that which is. If you have a mind, you go on CREATING a world; you go on imposing, projecting. So first change the mind, then change from mind to no-mind. And these one hundred and twelve methods can help each and everyone. Any particular method may not be of use to you. That is why Shiva goes on relating many methods. Choose any one method which suits you. It is not difficult to know which suits you.

We will try to understand each method and how to choose for yourself one method which can change you and your mind. This understanding, this intellectual understanding will be a basic necessity, but this is not the end. Whatsoever I suggest, try it.


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