Live Quality

If you want to be learner then ask this question to yourself Instead of asking “what do I want from life?” A more powerful question is, “what does life want from me?”

Asking what life wants from us is a very deep question and not one that can always be answered easily. However, meditating on this question can reveal deeper trust about what we should be focusing on in our lives.

Anuradha will like to share her own experience with you all.
In 2008, I was given the challenge to deal with all the failures of 9th  grade who were promoted to 10th. As a science teacher I was instructed to get science section average as 80 above for those 48 students. Really it was a tough task. Then I immediately accepted the challenge as other co teacher have not come forward to handle that section.

I trusted myself, my abilities and hard work. From day one onwards teaching them according to their requirements and following my own strategies. Repetitive teachings, special care, extrastudy  hours tried to improve their performance. The improvement was not upto the mark by half yearly. I cried a lot and depressed. I again trusted myself, had faith in God decided that talking to each student and motivating them, setting up of targets by them with a regular follow up will improve their ability and performance. I did that sincerely and even I took the least scoring students to my house with the permission of parents and management to teach them from the basics level. I trusted my work like darkness trusts light. When we trust ourselves, we can expect miracles to happen. Finally in the public examination that section scored well with science section average as 82 on par with other sections. Happy tears came out of my eyes. Everyone appreciated my efforts and the care I had taken. Believe and trust in yourself and the rest will fall into place, nothing we cannot accomplish. To live a life of high achievement we must fully believe in our self and our own abilities with reasonable confidence. Self trust is the essence of heroism, we can rise up out of any situation. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.


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