More Futile

Always say ‘yes’ to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? What could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say ‘yes’ to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.

The Enormous Power of YES:

When your life situation is unpleasant, it means that your mind is judging it and there is a resistance to the present moment. The ego always wants the next moment, it is always unhappy with the Now. Surrendering to the present means dropping any judgements you might have of the situation and accepting what is instead of looking for salvation in the future. You should not look at it as a gradual process, because you are focusing on the Now, which is atemporal. It takes no time to be here now. I know it’s easier said than done, but sometimes understanding comes and all of a sudden everything makes sense.

It’s not a passive state in the sense that you say yes to everything and don’t take action. By accepting the moment doesn’t mean that you suddenly become so passive that if someone is trying to do harm to you or someone that you suddenly say yes and let them walk over you.

Accepting the moment means meeting the moment as it happens and a no may need to be said while still accepting what is.

The no won’t be a reactive no like the ego does there won’t be any negativity in it.

Saying yes in your head like you said is not the full acceptance. The true yes is a non verbal yes. Its seeing that this moment is what it is.

Saying yes to what is while still being active, not passive, means: What you say and do comes out of a strong intuition – you “just know” what the right response is without thinking about it and without just reacting out of your conditioned mind in the way you always reacted in similar situations. You only get there by being “fully present”, holding your attention in your body instead of your mind. Feeling your body from within, feeling this “pure presence“ and still noticing things in the foreground like noises, smells, views, emotions and thoughts arising and disappearing.

Instead of saying “yes”, you can also say “resist nothing” or “let life be”.


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