
From blank great big canvas a masterpiece, the lovely colour transforms into a beautiful mix of vibrant emotion & there is in front of you, something that touches your heart & Soul through your eyes. It is that something we all wish to do our lives!!. To make our lives more beautiful, colourful and happy through all colour.

Blank canvas is like Child mind. Child doesn’t know. Child is totally empty.

Regaining innocence is regaining freedom from moral or physical harm. The question then becomes, is it possible to regain one’s freedom from moral or physical harm? … Because of neuroplasticity, we human beings have the capacity to regain our innocence and once again regain our abilities to empty.

Emptiness is not what we believe it to be. It is not meaninglessness, carelessness, or uselessness. It is simply the reality of all things once detached from our perceptions.  Perhaps this emptiness is true beauty and true essence.

To the mind emptiness or a perspective of void is horrifying. All of our lives we strive to have a strong sense of identity, an improved personality, an expression of the many possibilities we sense within ourselves. The feeling of emptiness is often targeted as a cause of addiction and despair.

So what is the truth about this sensation and is it possible to dance instead of despair when it arises? It all depends on who we think we are.

Our identifications trap us so often in the see-saw emotions of life. If we think we are the many roles we carry we will measure ourselves against the ideal – the perfect parent, accomplished artist, successful business person, good teacher, excellent student – and the waves of good and bad judgment will measure us and usually decide we are acceptable in some moments and greatly lacking or totally inadequate in others.  We hear evaluations about ourselves both externally and internally and are easily swayed in our self-concept, which cause us to swing emotionally from day to day.

When we touch a sense of emptiness we are greatly alarmed because the mind interprets this as being nobody, and believes this means we have no value, no capability or no possibility of happiness in the world.

To understand emptiness it is helpful to view the sky. There emptiness is vast, and its limits yet unknown – undoubtedly (although inconceivably) nonexistent. If the empty space of sky did not exist could the appearance of any forms exist? Just like the sun, the stars and the planets have appeared in this nothingness of space, so we have appeared from a minute seed into a physical form in the empty space of a mother’s womb.

One must become emptiness, not simply look at it. One must sense the unbounded space and vastness of it to feel the ecstasy of it. And one will not stay there, but return into the unique form and play and dance of an apparent separate life. It can be confusing and disorienting at first, and of course one sees that most people are looking through a different lens at life experiences, although they also are radiant emptiness at the core. One will in the best moments be brightened by an interior peace with what is, feel free of conditioned compulsions, and know compassion for the human condition.

And so, Emptiness dances.

Learning from Canvas: Be Empty


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