VBT – Meditation 12.2

Finite Body

It is as if an emperor has become identified with his slave, so as the slave goes begging, the emperor goes begging; as the slave weeps, the emperor weeps. When the slave says, “I am no one,” the emperor says, “I am no one.” Once the emperor recognizes his own being, once he recognizes that he is the emperor and this man is just a slave, everything will change suddenly.

You are an infinite power identified with a very finite body. Once you realize your self, then weightlessness becomes more and the weight of the body less. Then you can levitate, the body can go up.

There are many, many stories which cannot yet be proven scientifically, but they will be proven…because if one woman can go up four feet, then there is no barrier. Another can go a thousand feet, another can go completely into the cosmos. Theoretically there is no problem: four feet or four hundred feet or four thousand feet, it makes no difference.

There are stories about Ram and about many others who have disappeared completely with the body. Their bodies were never found dead on this earth. Mohammed disappeared completely – not only with his body; it is said he disappeared with his horse also. These stories look impossible, they look mythological, but they are not necessarily so.

Once you know the weightless force, you have become the master of gravity. You can use it; it depends on you. You can disappear completely with your body.

But to us weightlessness will be a problem. The technique of SIDDHASANA, the way Buddha sits, is the best way to be weightless. Sit on the earth – not on any chair or anything, but just on the floor. And it is good if the floor is not made of cement or anything artificial. Just sit on the ground so that you are the nearest to nature. It is good if you can sit naked. Just sit naked on the ground in the Buddha posture, siddhasana – because siddhasana is the best posture in which to be weightless.

Why? Because you feel more weight if your body is leaning this way or that way. Then your body has more area to be affected by gravity. If I am sitting on this chair then a greater area of my body is affected by gravity.

While you are standing less area is affected, but you cannot stand for too long. Mahavir always meditated standing – always, because then one covers the least area. Just your feet are touching the ground. When you are standing on your feet, straight, the least amount of gravity works on you – and gravity is weight.

Scientists even say… This was an amazing concept of Einstein’s, and it seems unbelievable, but if Einstein said so, it must be right! Einstein said that if we were to send a man into space in a spaceship traveling at the speed of light – the speed of light is a hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second – that man would not age. No matter how many years passed, when he returned to earth, his age would be almost the same as when he left here. His children would have grown old, but he would still be young. The first time Einstein said this it was almost unbelievable, but when his reasons were made clear it wasn’t unbelievable at all. A spaceship traveling at such a tremendous speed would have no gravitational pull, so gravity would have no effect at all on the man. He would be traveling in the vacuum of space.

Your body does not age because of the body itself, it ages because of its relationship and interaction with the gravitational pull of the earth. The earth is pulling you down all the time; your weight is because of the earth’s gravitation. If you put a thing on some scales, what we call the weight of a thing is not of the thing itself, it is the force of gravitation that the earth is exerting on it. The pan of the scales tips downward to the same degree as the force of the earth pulls it downward. Without gravitation, no matter how big the thing that you put on the scales is, it will not tip it down at all. The weight is there only because of gravity.


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