Dealing With Jealousy

Jealousy is not the root of the tree but it’s only the branch, once you cut the roots the branches won’t grow again.

Dealing with jealousy: Tip#1: Build your self-confidence: Building your self confidence, knowing about your points of strength and knowing for certain that you are worthy can be enough to eliminate any feelings of jealousy. After all feelings of insecurity which stem from lack of self confidence cause these pangs of jealousy.

Dealing with jealousy: Tip#2: Fix your mental and physical self image : Contrary to common beliefs, it is possible to fix your mental self image and to change the idea you have about your looks. Fixing your mental self image will have a great impact on your self confidence and will certainly reduce those feelings of jealousy. Your physical self image plays an important role too so make sure you fix both your mental and physical self image (Start now to fix your self image)

Dealing with jealousy: Tip#3: Deal with your feelings of insecurity:If you experience jealousy in relationships then building your self-confidence and fixing your self-image are bound to remove any feelings of insecurity you might be feeling. If you feel jealous of your colleagues at work then you might want to check the Ultimate guide to dealing with insecurity in order to better know how to get rid of those feelings of insecurity and so reduce the feelings of jealousy.

Dealing with jealousy: Tip#4: Conquer your fears: Whatever the kind of fear you’re experiencing, dealing with your fears will help you a lot in your journey for getting over jealousy; whether it’s a fear of abandonment or fear of rejection; dealing with your fears is one basic step that helps in dealing with jealousy

Dealing with jealousy: Tip#5: Do some external changes: Even tough Jealousy comes from within sometimes you need to fix the external world along with fixing your inner-self. If, for example, you’re jealous of someone who managed to achieve something before you did then try to find out why he accomplished that thing and why you didn’t then fix your mistakes.

Dealing with jealousy: Tip #6: Assertiveness will help you on your way: Being assertive is the habit of communicating your feelings without being aggressive nor allowing your rights to be violated. Learning how to be assertive will certainly help you reduce jealousy because it will enable you to stand up for your rights whenever needed

Dealing with jealousy: Tip #7: Control your anger: One direct result of jealousy is anger. Anger won’t only make you feel bad and frustrated but it will also destroy your relations with others. On your journey to deal with jealousy make sure you know how to control and manage your anger to avoid unwanted consequences

Dealing with jealousy: Tip #8: Don’t compare timelines: In many cases people get jealous of others because they managed to get something that they failed to get. You have to understand that each person is a unique different case and that the fact that someone got something when he was 20 doesn’t mean that every person has to get it by the same age. You can still get that thing later

Dealing with jealousy: Tip #9 Put yourself up: Trying to put others down just because they are ahead of you is an indication of weakness. Instead try to put yourself up by making more achievements or improving your life. That’s the best way to deal with jealousy. See why are some people overly critical.

Dealing with jealousy: Tip #10 Know that you are facing different obstacles: No matter how good you are you might be facing problems that this person you are jealous of didn’t face. For example a person could have became extremely successful because some external conditions favored them. In such a case you need to understand that each person faces a different set of problems and by hard work you will be able one day to reach your goals.


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