
A man watches his pear tree day after day, impatient for the ripening of the fruit. Let him attempt to force the process, and he may spoil both fruit and tree. But let him patiently wait, and the ripe pear at length falls into his lap.

Learning to Wait:

1. Learn to cooperate with time. When the wait becomes unbearable, time can feel like an enemy. However, it is the best resource you have to make the wait worthwhile: manage it wisely and invest it in fruitful activities that can help you reach your goal.

Although we have no control over the passing of time, we can organize it. Sticking to a timetable, making short-term plans and setting deadlines can help you manage your time and turn it into your ally.

Not all of your time should be devoted to reaching your goal. Wise time management also calls for taking breaks. If you don’t allow yourself some leisure time, you could become frustrated or drain all your energy for no reason.

2. Be patient. Patience is an art that takes skills and practice. It means realizing that time is unpredictable and we don’t get what we want when we want it. As well as coming to terms with the fact that some things can be changed while others can’t.

Impatience stems from a feeling of impotence, of not being able to change the way things are. Realizing that there are things you can act upon and that the direction that your life takes is first of all determined by your decisions is important to have a more active approach and feel you’re still in the driver’s seat.

For example, in order to find a job as a journalist you might send out thousands of resumes without much luck. However, focusing on other things you can do to achieve your goal, like writing as a volunteer for your college bulletin or attending workshops, can turn your wait into a time actively invested in useful activities and make it more tolerable.

Devoting some time during the week to physical exercise and relaxation techniques can help you release stress and increase your level of patience.

3. Realize it’s okay to be still sometimes. Not making progress can have its benefits. It is natural for some periods of time to be devoted to rest instead of activity. Recharging your batteries is necessary to get back in full shape.

Just like how we get what we want can be unpredictable, inactivity does not always happen according to our plans. For example, if you suddenly find yourself unemployed, don’t see this period as a waste of time or feel guilty about it. You can make it useful by pursuing what you really want to do and enjoying the benefits of having more time to yourself.

4. Be thankful for what you already have. You might think that, if you’re not getting what you want, all is wrong with your life. Thinking of all you have already accomplished will put things into perspective and make you realize your life has gone down unpredictable paths before. What you now take for granted was also achieved through patience and perseverance.

You can keep a gratitude journal where you actively list the things and reasons you should be grateful for.

Learning from Watch: Be Patience


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